3.. ouypet Franco. Te~dey, they ere either in France, or at the boreer, suffers ing from hunger, colé, ease of shelter, with nothing to leg their heads on. Yes, such eeterminetion of the people can never betrokee. The eer willcontinuebeceuse the Sgenish Govit still possesses oee~querter of the country, hes e strong, eell~treieedI eelljdieciylieed ermy of 700,000 eolfiiers, has 500 miles of coest~line has 11 cepitels of provigcee, has a strong nevel beee at fiinorce, end above all has the willingness of the yeople to fight tillthe feeciet invaders ere completely routed from their land. Spain cen and must te sevea ee e stroegeole of eemocrecy. The Oeneaien tpeogle must urge uyon the Dominion Gov‘t to immediately lift the embergo egeinet Spain and oeen treée relations with e legitimate, democretic gov‘t Our eeeet surplus cen eeve thoueenee of lives of thoee innocent yeople. The 1200 Geneeien volunteers have done their ehere. Teeee bogs eho eeze moved by left teeir oetive e§oree to take ug erme in oefeeee of Aeeim, ,4-"" e. been in e d e S 5.2- e t e leeeeetece. ?hey rieeeewheeger; imgrisoement, fleeth, eecrificeé home, family, livelihood, end in many, instances life itself, for the great cause in ehich they believe&, a cause that is eeer to ell democretic-einéed Genedees. fieoy of these boys eec ere returning ere criygled and iflC&§&Cit&u8d in verioee eeye. Tee? elll neee meeicel care end ecepitelizetion. All of them eill need clothiogg fooe enfi shelter until they can be rehabilitated to civil life. The efivieebility of their going to Spain meg be eueetioned by many people, but their ceurege ené self-secrifice ell recommend them to all true democrete ené eill enlist the sympathies of ell hueeniteriene on their behalf. To*night et 3 e.m. et the Elk'e Eell you will eeve en opgortunity to see these 50 heooee eho ereived this motfling end beer ehet they eeve to say. ere. Ehhey, the eetionel organizer of the frieodeof tee Eeckenzie~ Pegineeu Eettelioneeodmyeelf eill else s§eek. I heve seoken et more teen MN» W. ~__,,rM:, .. .9 ‘,_r:,r,..»,,..-4~¢....«. xum-I‘