14 SPAIN TALKS APPENDIX "C" COURSE OF EVENTS 1931 April 14---Republican forces, after a victory on the Municipal Elections, declared Spain to be a Republic. KING ALFONSO FLEES FROM THE COUNTRY July Elections to a "Constituent Cortes" give an overwhelming victory to the Republican parties and a joint Republican and Socialist Government entered office. December---Constitution adopted making Spain a "Republic of workers of all classes" organized in a regime of liberty and justice. 1932 Progressive social legislation adopted. Hours of work reduced. Wages raised. Organized resistance by capitalists, the aristocracy and wealthier churches. 1933 Another general election. Because of strikes, disorder and confusion of thought reactionary forces win, Leftist Government overthrown and Rightist Government takes office. 1934 Repressive measures create serious labor disturbances, culminating in a great agri- cultural workers' strike in the summer. In October, when Lerroux announced that Fascists were to join the Government, a general strike was called which developed in some places into armed uprising. 1935 Defeat of the revolt was followed by bloody butchery and brutality. Death sen- tences were passed upon political prisoners. Resistance to the Government grew steadily and took organized form. Workers' Alliances were broadened into a Peoples' Front that included all anti-Fascist groups. 1936 In February, General Elections were forced. The result was a sweeping victory for the Peoples' Front, which won 268 out of the 473 seats in the "cortes". These were made up as follows: Socialists, 98; Left Republicans; 81; Republican Union, 36; Catalonian Left Republican, 29; Communist, 16; Others, 8. Azana was chosen as President and a Coalition Government formed. The 30,000 Republicans, Socialists, Communists and Anarchists who had been imprisoned by the reactionary Government were released; the workers who had been dis- missed on political and industrial grounds were ordered taken back and compensated; reaction legislation was repealed. July l8---Revolt breaks out in many military garrisons. July l9---General Franco, heading Foreign Legion and Moors, seizes central of Spanish Morocco, and plans invasion of Spain. July 20---Revolt crushed in Madrid. September 4---The Giral Cabinet was succeeded by the Caballero Government. The ex-Prime Minister has stated the reasons for this change: "In view of the duration of the civil war. Ministers expressed the view that all political parties, the workers, and syndical organizations should be rep- resented in the Cabinet. "I think I fulfilled my mission in the most difficult circumstances. Other men and other forces must assume control with the primary aim of ending this war. I remain a Minister without portfolio, to show the country that the new Government is only a development of the last."