MEET ME ON THE BARRICADES weends] must be smooth like fast-moving water, like air in motion. But you [withering scorn], you play it like a German band.” And so in this vein for nearly five minutes. Finally he paused and shrugged his shoulders helplessly. It was precisely on an occasion such as this that Turano had once smashed a costly violin over the head of a concert-master. Subsequently, a court had exonerated him on the surprising ground that his incontrollable fury flowed from the identical afflatus which also bestowed upon the world the in- comparable gifts of his great art. Simpson, strangely enough, now listened to Tu- rano’s invective with growing sympathy. For did he not know the torments of creation? The mood engen- dered by his daydream was still upon him, the applause of his phantom audience still rang in his ears and his face was radiant with triumph. And only the triumphant may indulge in the luxury of tolerance. In a haze of sympathy and generosity he suddenly, almost involuntarily, arose to address the conductor. “Maestro .” Turano stood speechless for a few seconds scarcely believing his eyes. Finally he bellowed: “What do you want?” 6