Jean Watts, who has been on a tour of Western Canada, reports that her itour is proving a great success. She stopped about a day in each major western city on the way to Vancouver. called meetings of the local committees, and has arranged mass meetings for her return, at which she will speak and show our new
film “Refuge.” I
In Edmonton, a dinner was given in her honour at which she spoke. Before her arrival, a group of University of Alberta people sold raffle tickets, and at the dinner, she presented the winner with a picture of her "adopted" child. There was a long story in the press and a picture of this Spanish child.
This is only one of the many affairs that have been arranged for her by’ our local committees. In every city she has visited she has given press inter~ views, and on her return to Calgary, has arranged to give two or three radio. ta.].k:So I
Miss Watts‘ return trip will start about September lst. She will stay about a week in each city. Watch for her arrival in yeur city. Be sure you do not miss seeing “Refuge.” Help distribute this film. Help Canada see it}
# # # # # # # # # WHITE CORNERS ‘A recent letter from the Office International Pour L’Enfance, Paris, to whom our funds for the children go, says: "We wish to stress the importance of the White Corner scheme. With comparatively little money. a very large
number of children can receive regular support in a way that also reaches the adults living with them in the camps."
If you cannot afford to adopt a child, your nickels and dimes can go towards maintaining our "White Corner" at 86830 One dollar will give milk, cod liver oil, cereal, etc. to a child for a mentho
######### arrears rsom ou seaczan COMMITTEES
Despite the proverbial summer slump, the Artists’ and the Musicians‘ Committees to Aid Spanish Refugees have been able to raise a considerable awn of money.
In June, the Artists‘ Committee sent out an appeal letter signed by Paraskeva Clark and Joan Fairley Hall, which brought in $150. This sum.has been sent to the British National Joint Committee to pay the passage of two refugee artists to Mexico.
The Musicians‘ fund~appealing letter was signed by Mr. Milton Blackstone, of the Hart House String Quartet. To date they have received nearly $200. This, too, will be used to send refugee musicians to Mexico.
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