‘and distributed throughout Canada. This included publications by various organizations in the United States and England, also pamphlets issued by

the Spanish Government:

Special acknowledgement should he made of the exceedingly interesting and valuable pamphlets furnished by Senor Fernando de los Rios, Spanish Ambassador of the United States and Jose’Tomas Piers, donsul General of Spain in.Mbntreal. Also from.the Press Department of the Spanish Embassy, London, England. 0 m

immune mnmni

i one of the most effective pieces of literature issued has been the art 3

portfolio "Galicia.Martir", which is a rotogravure reproduction of a Spanish publicati0n.: we had 2,000 of these printed. C

/iThe fine job done by the Sun Gravure people on.this 5oh7is worthy of. special comment. Indeed it was so attractive that the American Committee

ordered 10,000 copies for use in the United States. ‘THE APPERL-To THE CONSCIENCE OF THE WQBHD0

The Appeal to the Conscience of the World was completedwand 1,000 copies printed and distributed throughout Canada. a he "

It was signed by about thirty leading public men, predominately church

loand educational leaders.

. POSTERS. rsorocaeees & rosess EXHIBIT

Extensive additions have been.mede to our Poster Exhibit which new i includes nearly 200 large full size coloured posters. l 0

'There has also been a very large addition to our photographs of Spanish scenes and activities. , is -

The Exhibition is now being successfully shown in Montreal. . _ ' \ - . ' > . \_

It should he made available throughout Canada» a sosnicirri

Two full pages were taken in the official Labor Day issue of the Clarion

‘at a cost of approximately $300,000 ~ . .

,JAn.extra Large issue of this paper was distributed amongst Trade4Unionists '

throughout the entire Dominione ~ ens. ssrsomnzasruass .

on.Menaey, June 7th Dr. Bethune arrived in New York on the Queen.Mary. After visiting his home town, Mbntreal, he arrived in Toronto onimonday,