rhuinclur of Earl Percy In lhe « woeful h_-mung," made so sumlg rm impres- --oh uu lm mind,Ihl1l\vhEn the eldest }‘“l’1e M the Montague’: vms bum, he Tecaivezl an nnmc ofEl1l'l Percy, uuhe fim nflhz parish church The young rl in spill: onhu huflizls or pinching heny, grow aslmng nnd llzlndwme :- ,_his beallly aux-nclod Ihe nnlice of ‘flch and childless lully, who huughl ‘ha buy land his mother's gnarl will, by ‘ Dressenl of “three gllineas," and .’°I1ghl him up at a gcn|lemnxl,inl:mi— “IE to make him he: hair. Ha iunlm-d = lbeml educmlon; hul the lniy dying In-dclunly wilhuuk a u lerl hhn nun.- °l-: pmisnn It me ugn n tlvenl «vne; nnull sum of pockel money which he ‘hflnced |n pusscms, gave huu un opporr Inglily flf Ir -lug a coun|ry,ofl"ering a "flier field orexenionlhan his nalive in-1 [Ia had but just nrvivcdin Amer ‘-In when he fim saw Aaeluide, hnd ‘lshaugh lhe nalive honur ul his mind ‘mgln have nludu him shrink from “Waring hinlselfto ghu rinh heiress, yet 2 ma used nh deception, and be mad Melaidds feeling: in her face; he felt ‘i could love her for hcrselfalone, una "Rilude fur her disinlexesled uhrenunn, In d her mum clutlely lo him. Mu BldE‘E sun must have been in the as- fi:"d§nt when she weclded Mrmllxgue; uni helm whs noble ml generous "'13:: mind was man. lished una in- “hgcuz Scavnelyhzd onlsguc ceas- .-peahing, lmd Avlelnlllc ycl rcmnlllnd her thee coveted uhh blushes, and whuucd nflhe folly she had bclrnlyed, hen thedoor was nulldcnly bum opnn, w Momngllc taken liiouef. The use was xurrollnrle by alias- winong [hem “ms lhu JE\Vl‘1F,l’ from K mu Aanlnule hud urchusedllleglib "Ml haul.-In which Lil put Ilcl hush V _d's lilu In pct . Thu nous will: Eh-chnhuhud puicl hini, WEN) pnnly - ‘genes, und some lhm hull been taken k“dinlng robbery and minds! The offilulrulars had long escaped the hands hkguslicc; and Monungltc uns now . n as in nccomplicz, ir not ihe hiin. Pal. The hum Wu: S{‘Z\l’ALhL‘\l nnd
Tn: uluxun-3
01 ‘kt nmuuiulluh ur lhe hulus lisunmca,
\vlLh u number no Imfinishui furgorici and counterfeit gold. Circumslunlzu WEYC slmfily ng'aIns| him, and the un— Iomlnate olllugue was condelnnlzd [0 deal}:
Fain! hopes ofmercy were held our [0 ms agonllod wire. The crime whh which hewns charged was so atroci- uus, that nu apyeul fur pnrdan wuuld hu or little avail, That hopz, luinl asit was, Adelaide embmcvd, and she has!- ennd in presflnla pclllion 1: WIS [he lannivclsnry ofsome joyous evunllo lhe nation; the Klngland Qncun were uh. nyu‘1ll'l|hui|' mbus uunnu, allmded by Lhenubllity, with ull the glittering insignia ofloyall)’. -rhuy pmczezled in grand procession along u 111 covered wilh velveg nud strewn wit m1es,{rom Lhechnpel where high mass had heen ma. Chaplet: offlnwus VVDY2 flung lmullst lhe Icjolcing Ihmng rnnn Lh: cmwdedbalaanies. l3n.uululhnyi,uu.l whim xnbsl gills, nuslxi lhllll tuneful voices in u hymn of triumph; it was in hlmour oflhe ncclasion of lheir be Invul manarchw |}|E lhiune, that lb: glucl nalinn WCIE rejuicing, and ull {he helh nfPl1\'is ‘lung nut u laud nua mer- h nn1,—\-«hen u womln, raked in hinc -, lhrew hexsalfnt Ihe King’: feel; lheiuhnnmhlunh lhe paper (win her hund—as he {Bald it‘ his bmw giuw dnlk and gloomy, and he would hui-c pussad un, llmnguin she screamed for many. The King looked I! [he pe- lition; hcrfrlcc W115 partly covemi by her v l, and her hunds were clasped bcseechingly before him Asinull pull ling on her finger alluded his nulice; regardless nflhe xvondering cnnva, [hr mnnulch stood gazing un her kneeling figure; {urn nlomenl he paused, and the name ol Adelaide Eelmnm enclzpai hislipe hululuhlu hunily threw back he! vuil, il uus not the mighty man- arch aflhe French nalian me1 hex eye; it \v:.lsIlle despised, neglected De Vul- iuhni, the humble teacher who she had treated whh cnnleiupi nua nltlvncss rni (L1nl'lgIlJ love, Now he nuou before hex u snmuagii, un whofin‘ wlll dcpendr all «he life at om: u-n lhausrmd umes denim‘ lhnll her uwn Overcome by