managers, handlers, masseurs, etc., dove in on top of all of
us and the curtain rang down amidst scenes of wildest hilarity. I
I’m terribly worried about your appendix, dearest. Why in god’s name does it have to pop now? Please have it fixed up immediately so you can start your trip here.
August 17 Dearest,
Since last writing I have seen Steve both up near Madrid and here, and the day before yesterday imagine my shout of joy at seeing Mack coming down the stairs of the Interna- tional Club at Albacete. He has been with the Edgar Andre battalion as a machine gunner, then as chief of a machine gun crew, was shot in the hip toward the end of June and has recently been discharged from the hospital and will pretty soon be fit for service again. He is going to spend a couple of days visiting our battalion. He looks fine, except for the limp, after gaining quite a few pounds and getting thoroughly brown in the hospital. He is in excellent spirits.
Our battalion is still back of the lines in training, and now it looks as though we’ll stay here yet awhile, although one never can tell.
I’m leaving in a few hours for Madrid region, where the Brigade to which we’ll be attached is located, for conference
with Steve and others. Will be back in a couple of days.
Think I told you that when I was in Madrid last time (which was also my first time) there was no bombarding
date: all except for some three shells that landed many kilo-
meters away. I don't want Madrid bombarded at all, but if it must happen. I hope it happens while I am there. Incidentally, Bob Merriman has been promoted to a 60