HE fightyiin Spain is our fight. shotiidsrancoiiwin, fascism and
s barbarism the world ‘overywillel’ré;joic‘e and take heart- gb/Iussolini and Hitler will i march agaisnst Frajncei and -other European lands-.=
The U.S.S.R. will be doubly sthreaitened byyfascisttattack. iWorld‘i»
peace will be imperilled and worldi/.democ1’aCy,.‘ free speech‘; freedom of assembly, the rights of minorities, :%fidemoc.rati./c goveernment-——+al‘l. will 80 under the fascist heel. i ’ C « W
V e cannot talk of peace ifosriCanada without mean-
. ting peace for the world. C C V
If Franco” wins; if aid. C froin7 the democratic peoples and
countries of the world is not .redeub2§l:;edl; ifiswe do not ‘take advantage
‘ of this opportunity to drive back theldarkforces of war and :fasC.ism=——-c
then reactionaries in Canada will take ‘heart, and our struggle here
to maintain and extend our civil liberties will be ten times more difficult and costly. 2* C ~ e C
Anti-.fascists all over the Worlid ’,are setting asidegthe Week of
May 30th to June 9th as"“S,17ANI:SH AIDWEEK”.
The Communist Party ofCaif1ada, in the name of peace and
democracy, calls upon all friends the Spanish people’ to rally on these days, to: ewe ‘ i i s -. Q 4
l_ Organize hundreds of "7n’eetings," lectures, confer-i ences, concerts. andlothofevcrzts, devotml to Spain, and for the purpose of ifaising funds for the Com- mittee to aid Spanish D;_enzocracy,. Manning Cham- bers, Toronto, Ont. C
2. To arrange Memorial nieetings to commemorate the great sacrifice made by§.._.lthe brave Canadians who have been billed while 5‘?.ig'\htingI in the Mackenzie- Papineau Battalion. collect $2,500 for a bat-.;\ talion ambulance, this téiiilze a direct contribution of the Communist Party Canada to the brave sol- diers of the Machenziegéfapineau Battalion.
3_ To “make widely—ehnown%%;y.byc leafleet, radio broad/-i past; lecture and T newsp;;aéper——thc issue at stahe in
ii"Spain.. _ C &
4, To call upon the federdfl;ip%government'.to protest the horrible. massacre of innocent nonscombatantsy at Guernica, in the...Basqzicei‘c1;‘frovince by’ Italian and German bombing’ ifilanesflon April 26th,’ when 800% . aged C ppeople, women s babies Fwcre » blown to s . shreds /by foreign~fascis§: \ bombs, and the Catholic"
churches and... can*v:ents"il:t{idi‘i.0 waste.‘ ~ ' yTo call ‘upon Mackenzie King and
I the Can‘adiani delegates tithe” Imperial :Confere;nce < i //
inILondon todemiand t,Z;gie,...i~extension.-yof fullftrading an 7% rights to pthefp lawful gooern'me’nt,;$,rznd Vtfhat