DO YOUR BIT! The need for continued aid is great. Every news- paper of the day tells of the hardships that our boys are bravely enduring to drive back the fascist hordes. Continued aid is imperative if our lads are not to lack those small comforts, which make life easier for them. Let us not disappoint them. Through your support and energy we shall ensure that regular shipments leave Canada for our Mackenzie Papineau Battalion in Spain which has covered itself with glory. WE WILL WITH YOUR HELP STRIVE TO SEND THEM AT LEAST 200,000 CIGARETTES A MONTH. Here is the best testimony possible of the need for cigarettes for our boys in Spain and their warm appre- ciation of our remembrance. The moving item below is an excerpt of a letter written by one of the Canadian boys in Spain to his home: “Waiting every nerve tense, listening for that hor- rible shriek...and then it comes again...Some men crack but most keep strong. It was on one morning after one of these bombardments that we heard a rumor that a truckful of cigarettes had arrived. It isn't true, most of us said; it is one of these rumors. One fellow came screeching at the top of his lungs: "It's true, honest to God, it's true! I've seen them, a whole truckful. Ca- nadian and American cigarettes.” It was true. Cigar- ettes had come. You knew you could go through a mil- lion bombardments...You inhaled deeply and knew that the folks back home had not forgotten.” Be Sure You Do Not Forget! Send You Donations to: FRIENDS OF THE MACKENZIE-PAPINEAU BATTALION, Room 214-331 Bay St., Toronto. I enclose $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as my contribution to the Friends of the Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion. Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Please fill in with money order and mail to above address)