Brigade Services
The Sanitary Service
Tl1e XV. Brigade takes good care of its own. The Sanitary Service and the treatment accorded to the wounded leave nothing to be de- sired.
The Sanitary Service of the Brigade was first organized by Dr. Min- koff who was later se11t to the Southern front to organize the Sanitary Service there. His Work was taken over by Dr. Langer, later followed by Dr. Mark Strauss, former Doctor of the Washington Battalion.
Since early days the Brigade had its own field hospital with a mo- bile operating unit, the “Auto-chir”. Towards the end of 1937 this field hospital was enlarged by the American Medical Bureau which contribu- ted complete equipment and operating personnel.
The field hospital is now in charge of Dr. Edward Barsky, Chief Sur- geon and Commandant of the American Hospitals in Spain. The unit consists of six doctors, six or seven American nurses and is equipped to take care of all major operations right behind the lines. The unit moves with the Brigade.
Dr. Strauss, Brigade Doctor is responsible for all sanitary and hos- pital arrangements in the Brigade. He is assisted by an Adjutant and by Battalion doctors. Every Battalion has its own First Aid Post and its own ambulance ~— the ambulances all contributed by the American, Canadian and British Medical Bureaux.
Brigade lntendencia
The lntendencia or the Quartermaster and Supply Department of the Brigade bears the responsibility of feeding, clothing, and outfitting the Brigade.
The Intendencia draws a standard ration from the General Inten- dencia of the Spanish Army. Since the English and American Volun- teers are used to a more varied diet they tax themselves a certain amount of pesetas daily out of their pay to buy alternative food.
The Intendencia is under the command of Lt. Evaristo Martinez,