As a result of this appeal the Censor Board decided to reconsider their decision and review the film. i
we have not yet been advised of their decision.
An attractive Window Card has been prepared for advertising the film.
This is being sent to each Province in Canada for use therein.
It might be pointed out that this enables very much more effective advertising at very much less cost than was the advertising left entirely. to the Committees locally. ‘ V A ’
The matter of securing a projector with which the film can be used was discussed by the Committee. ~
It was decided to rent rather than to purchase.
On one of his trips to New York however, the Chairman was able to secure
a bargain in a used projector, larger, stronger and more complete than any that could be obtained in Canada. He purchased it. : r 7 - » ‘I l V _ ‘ V .
It was used on Dr. Bethune's trip to the Maritimes, on his various
meetings in Ontario, and has proven to be most efficient.
From reports received one of the commodities which our Spanish comrades are in dire need of is milk.»
ilt is to be remembered that some months ago, before Dr. Bethune left
,Spain, he reported that because of the inadequate food supply in Madrid rthe haemoglobin content of the donors had fallen so low that it was unsafe
0 the blood donors. ‘ ij,
to the donors to give their blood andgunsafe for the recipients to receive it. He, therefore, used $1,000.00 for the purchase“of meat and milk for, ‘_
In response to an appeal made atthat time the Committee purchased
v48,000 tins of condensed milk together with a large supply of other canned
goods and it was shipped to Spain.
Half of this was sent to Bilbao and arrived there before that Cityl was taken and just when the need was the greatest} It was of very great help.s The other half went to Valencia. ‘s v
,Qn September the 1st the following wire was received from the Centrale
tsanitaire lnternationale,~
"PUBLIC saltra MINISTRY NEED'UBGENTLY rwrtrr rows ruLt oaarhtMIsK' ‘* rowers CHILDREN AND NURSING nornaas MADRID s1ruAr:oN ca1r:ceL weir air you DO." h
.At this time we had 24,000 tins of milk in Valencia, and by cable we immediately authorized the diversion of 5,000 tins for the purpose set out in this cable. 0 l c