Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy, pg a dlfiimanning Chambers, Toronto, fggee December 28, 1937.

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The moving—talking pictures "The Heart of Spain" and "The Emmbing of Shanghai" were shown in several centres throughout Northern Ontario during the two weeks immediately preceding the Christmas holidays. Although Christmas‘ preparations were in full swing and several Christmas Entertainments were en~ countered, large and enthusiastic audiences witnessed the picture in quite a number of places and were thrilled by the story which it conveyed. At Timmins the Ukrainian.Hall was filled to capacity three times, many waiting patiently through twoprevious meetings for the last showing. At South Porcupine, on the afternoon of December 12th; the Hall was filled to overflowing and a gratiiying financial response was made. In Kirkland Lake on Sunday evening December 19th , the largest theatre in town had been secured, yet it was estimated that more than 300 people were turned away. After this meeting was concluded the pictures were shown in the Finnish.Hall which.was also filled to capacity by a most interested and enthusiastic crowd. C

Meetings were also held at Ansonville where a second.meeting was found necessary after midnight to accommodate a number of men coming off work at Twelve oG?wlesk;and were very anxious to see the pictures. At Matheson, Englehart, and New Liskeard Christmas entertainments, High School Commencement exercises, and general preparations for Christmas were encountered which seriously interfered with the attendance, but in each case valuable contacts were made, and a number of reouests were received that another visit should be paid. The gross returns for p the trip amounted to approximately $600.00 and promises aggregating nearly $?5.00: per month. .

Rev.‘W.B. Smith accompanied the film.and in each place gave an address on "The Struggle in Spain-~Its Genesis and World Significance."

These fihms never fail to thrill the audience and lessons deep impression. They are to be shown in the next few days at the Annual meeting of The League For Social Reconstruction, at Pickering College, Newmarket, and to a number of Trades Union gatherings in Toronto. Several of these showings are already arranged and a number of others are being completed.

Early in the New Year it is proposed to operate two of these fihms covering the whole province North and South, East and West. Amy Committees or interested people who would like to have these fitms shown in their Communities should commicate with the National Committee without delay so that they may be included in one of these itineraries.

MILK row seam

Your National Committee is now engaged in sending out milk cans and very attractive card holders for the purpose of collecting funds to send milk to the Spanish children and war sufferers. Every dime dropped in one of these cans means the equivalent of a quart of pure milk for someone in Spain who desperately needs it. .Already 1,000 of these cans are on their way to various centres from.Atlantic to Pacific.

Each can and each card carries a nmnber and the number on the can should

C correspond with the number on the card which holds it. Each card with its can

should be placed in a suitable location.with a responsible person in charge of it. When a new seal is received the old one should be broken, the can opened and the money taken out and sent to the Committee, 413 Manning Chambers, Toronto. The can shouldthsn be closed and the new seal adjusted in place of the old one. These new seals will be sent out either monthly or quarterly as those who have charge of the cans in each place think best. ‘With a little well~directed intelligent effort in each centre much can be accomplished through the agency of these cans, which will result in supplying quantities of food for the famishing people in Spain.

They need milk more than anything else.


.A Conference of all who are interested in the struggle of the people in Spain for free institutions of government, is to be held in the Trinity Church Parish Hall, Trinity Square on Friday, January 21st commencing at 8.00 run.

In part the call says “All organizations in.symmathy with the work of