7o0,e0o men, anéa st%ong1:sartx£ied1ine°fLéefaRee, eentinuesthe res a~‘ fiance an fihe’Q3nfigg1 §r¢ntg ’It o&nandw1?\‘W3g,ifthepeo§1e$R£ tfle de@§‘ 37%¢erat£¢ cauatries put pr§$$ure u§dn their gcvérnmentsRteccme t¢j£fiéir.aid;%' 1¢g&%@fir du¢y in Gaaadg; gg“£rfie%1overs%of%freedom; asifervent eha§i£§7af } #}4& _.Wa£ aad f@scism,is £e»a¢é %$at 0ur;Domifii¢n government lifts tbs ék%arga »% 4u &§&ihgt Syain,an&'opaaé§5@m¢diateixtrade relationswiththatfrienaiyggé‘ 1Jtion, a memher of the League ®fHati¢ns. Hui: Democracy in 5Paifi é&n sfi11 $e saved. But we must take the re$poné§; ‘§fl$§fl%§5£TQfi}§; h&ifIyearsAsfwarinSp$:fhagma%gLgegrto m111ia§35g’aamogr&¢g¢ymg;d3d yeoyle tnedangerfifa w$y1fl yak thafiiébeingP§§£t$&.$§‘fihe%fa5c§§Q ¢§9”; tatora.’.Sifice thelast world €Qr.hévefb&% t5a53#é§T 557? 4 %%F%w fi? %minent as at thepresentmomént.Arewe goingto3iti$$§ka§,% Ecmba begin ta éestroy cur beautiful cities, killing meh women and dhi1& & grass and peace lave } a m ghty7mé?éme that fascisé shall @ever aes§$ey what we have aid haI&. Fascism israisingiaaugxyheaainthesagt anaiswgrkingrevefl{ unfier cover in all firavigges cf war ceunfiry. Fascism is fbreign %a £fi@*§a country and its demecratic[iast;tutians, but fascism must we feught*andfi&e*:% . m ~92 ~ » » kw“. aflfi ‘Ought 03 iheb&t@1&fié§5ééf 3ba1n i§theLoya1istarmy.jLikeLayse1?g ; %> they unders§ooé,%that*i53;Té?fi§r1& is tabs savei%£6rvdem§cracy,wn& if7*‘}*%i adiana are ta c%ntinu% %§ gwg i@ the enjoyment e£%%¢gfia‘ana liberty; £fi@@% [Q * A trenches in Syaing an§%fi¢£sw it an£:1 weggu1dbg*fg§¢gat¢ fightinthe %