A MESSAGE TO CANADA FROM THE BOYS IN SPAIN The Canadian volunteers in Spain, one thousand strong wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to the Canadian people back home. The Canadian Mackenzie- Papineau-Battalion, to- gether with American and British in the XV (Anglo- American) Brigade is pre- senting an invicible front to oppose the traitor Franco and Mussolini's and Hitler's fascist invading troops. Strong and united with the Canadian people in their love for peace, freedom and democracy the Mackenzie- Papineau Battalion forms the spearhead of the Ca- nadian people in the fight against international fas- cism in Spain. Fascism is a menace not only to Spain, but it is a deadly enemy of anything that represents humanity, progress and enlightenment –it is out to destroy civi- lization and plunge the world into chaos and mass slaughter. In fighting for a free, democratic, victori- ous Spain the Canadian volunteers are defending with their lives the happi- ness and future of their family, friends and the people of Canada as well. Forward to victory! This Christmas finds us in the trenches, but we are con- fident that with the conti- nued aid and support of the Canadian people we will celebrate next Christmas at home rejoicing with our people in the victory of a free and democratic Spain. BOB KERR Political Commander of the Canadians in Spain Writes: — "Everyone here is very enthusiastic about the work you are doing, and want through you to thank the people of Canada for the gifts which they sent to us. The solidarity expressed is a great comfort to our boys and makes us better fight- ers than ever. What we are in most need of is smokes, soap, and socks. We also appreciate chocolate, particularly for those who don't smoke. Keep up the good work. We pledge to do our best to- gether with the Spanish people to smash fascism." MOC 168 MARCONI-BARCELONA 22 22 1500 1938 JAN 22 PM 12 43 LC FRIENDS MACKENZIE-PAPINEAU BATTALION 331 BAY STREET TORONTO HEARTIEST THANKS OF ALL BOYS XMAS SHIP- MENT NOW ARRIVED AND BEING DISTRIBUTED KERR