da to be killed by a sniper’s bullet when scouting during the advance on Mosquito Crest. Bill Davis of Dublin a fearless fighter fell at Villa- nueva, his clenched fist shooting up in salute as he died on the field. William Beattie and William Laughlin both from Belfast, both in op- posing politico-religious factions a few years ago, came to find unity in the working-class struggle, and were close comrades in Spain. Laugh- lin was killed on July 6, Beattie on July 23. From Major Nathan of the Brigade Staff down to the rawest re- cruit, these and others of our Brigade gave their lives for Democracy. Their memory. will always be with us, to cheer us onward to the Vic- tory for which they fought and died. In the hearts of the working class of the world they shall be remembered forever. R. M. 174