~.;p-ya--. 5-, :7 \ 4‘ R Civic Democra CY Threatened By Council “magazjnes and thefrest. Night young people who start. out as fine * .~"’l would also say,” he alddkled, 0' l. 0‘ ‘’Ame:icanization’ is cr,eeping_ into ‘ positive action to guard the health "SCHOOLS MUST Do Make TOGUARD THEBMINDS AND. BODIES or ouk YOUNG, PEOPLE."-—PElflNER' Young people are oftenlicrsiticized and held up to scorn. They‘wear ”unusual" clothes. ‘They'are. called ”hoodlums." Some advocate the ‘useof the ”lash."” And yet. our young ‘people are Canada's future. iMost youngfpeople are decent, fine "human beings, with the desire to _ create and be useful. But look what is happening . . . if ' — Day after day the ,filthiest._and “most rotten literature- (if we can ‘call it that) is poured in on them via comic books, Crime and sex af_ter;n‘ight they have a diet.of . murder and violence in the movies and on T.V. No wonder. some , ‘peopleiend up twisted . ."."* i,The question is, are ,we-—par- ents and’ in particular schools——— doing enough to counteract this poison? Theanswer to that ques- tion is——n'o.And it's-time some- thing was done before we see here what New York is-now seeing—5- actual teen-age murder gangs. . ‘ Speaking on thisiquestion last Mionday, Roland Penner, Labor ,~Ele‘c'ti'on School Board candidate ’ failed, on the. ottoney—ge . 0 crimiinal code sections on crime Sand, literature. 0 R. PENNER c,d_enta_ll, c'ar_'e. 0 ,F.liuorid'.tion ‘of the drinking water »vyoul ‘wemust also act to have the ‘Fed-“ eml" Qoivernmen-t T re-institute "Fed- r-; possible. . ', «.”Let"s substitute“a program of . health ‘"cfa.rie,, recrea’/tional ‘ centres, la loveiof country, ..a banning of 0 crime and ‘sex. literature, for. the "Our. schools have a terrific responsibility and so far they are not fulfilling it,” he said. ”that at this time¥when so much our. life, that some drastic changes are needed in the curriculum.. Let's have ‘put Canada first’--as the motto of our school studies. . More and better taught Canadian history'.'. More of the "literature of Canada which tells of how the people built thiss country. Cet’s develop a real love for Canada iamongsther young people/V’ He further called upon School, - Board and Council to take more accusing our youth of being ,’hooliga—ns'_ we‘: will see them for what they'”a’re——the 4nati'on’s fin- est,” Roland Penner said. * c 0 His voice in the School Board could help‘ guarantee ‘that, Vote of our youhgi. people. Recently, for. and elect Roland Pennerc-in ‘Dr. L’ough_eed, Winnipeg's ‘ chief -«medical officer, revealed that Oct. 27th.! i ‘ fS20,:00lO* school ’childre.n needed help. But i ‘ H Weral healthgrants to,._*make this‘ 0 0 9 ‘~ liheglect of, our youngcpeople which ‘is now the case, and instead of _ Ward ‘Two for School Board on iiMove To Give Vote To 10,000 Corporations! SGILBEY AND PENNER DEMANO “om: CITIZEN ONE VOTE” , On April l2th, 1954, by ailvoierci- 9-9 with Mayor Coulter casting the deciding vote in favor, City*Council * moved to ask the Legislature for [an amendrhentltocthe City Charter. And;this eamendmente—believe itor not——— was made to permit the city to grant alvote in the civic: elections to every company doing business in 'Winnipeg——, * including foreign corporationsl i 1 1 So—;—now corporations will tightenfitheir already-firm a grip on our City Council-—c——unless we can get this motion reversed. s_Next year we would have agents afsome l0,000 corporations voting inthe civic elections—-—about 6,000 _of thcémin.rWard»Twoll .0 ~ ~ ' g i i‘ . Just think, several thousand} Arnllericani corporation 0 representatives could: swamp the polls ——in Winnipeg. That's what the Civicf Election 'Comm«ittee———-and ’Mayor Coulter§—+vot’eCl for.» 0 if s .-. q u- multi-mi l l ionairess. in Winnipeg!».,TWenty=twoto,your oneg, L '0 l\low’,l what ethics would mean‘o?t’o ,Winnipeg’s welfare ‘ you can well im”qgine. .Corpor ati’alnss" have‘ never been ones toworry about o”civi,c servicesto ‘residiientiali areas,’ about ‘school facilities, heglthyand recreation projects. ‘What the , corporations want is more of the tax1~burlclent on the home- owner! ” ~ 'l'he Labor Election Committee pledged to fightiforl the defeat of thiisshamelfuly proposition- Winnipeg's voting ; * enough. ;Allr’the real-estate sharks have two. or "three votes_liin the city——l—one‘”‘in leach ward" cwhereytheyihave property. vlf you look at the voters’- list 01‘ the City Hall poll in WardlTwo you will see hundreds « of real—estate,owners who do not live inthe_ ward. 5. .4! Those votes are used to defeat.such»money by—laws as the low-rental housing proposition of l953. L Now» on top of that to add the corporationsincluding foreign ones! This must be defeated . . . ' ‘ t ”One citizeln—é—one vote”————say candidates Gilbey arid .Penner. ”Let the real—estate sharks voteeionly once——in theiward where theylive, and no votes to corporations. ‘. We don't need absentee Americacnbigbusiness dominating fWinnipeg with profit asitheir only motive.” 0 L arbara Hutton of Woolworthfs (shetc, has just passed. heiirgsrfvifth husband) could control t__2,2,vote_s2 ’