10. also national, without relinquishing any of its local or provincial activities. This has given rise to serious misunderstanding. The time has undoubtedly come when these functions should be distinctly recognized, isolated, and each taken care of by an organization framed specifically for that purpose. It would seem obvious that there is need for divorcing National Work from the local and provincial activities. It would also seem desirable that in Ontario, exclusively Toronto activities should not be intermixed with the work outside of Toronto. The same principle applies to a greater or lesser degree to other provinces. Some simple set-up should be devised whereby a Committee dealing exclusively with National affairs be appointed which will co-ordinate the work of national organization and Committees of each Province. These Provincial Committees shall in turn guide the work in their respective provinces be responsible for local organization, and be in close touch with the National Committee. Then in various localities there should be local Committees related to the Provincial Committees. Only as some comprehensive plan of this kind is set up can there be harmony and efficiency. Since January 1st there have been 94 showings of the film in different places through- out the Province, as follows: HALLS: Jan. 1, L.S.R., Newmarket; Jan. 4, Public School Auditorium, Islington; Jan. 23, Liberal Hall, Oakville; Jan. 23, City Hall, Kitchener; Jan. 25, Regent Theatre, Elmira; Jan. 26, Community Hall, Beamsville; Jan. 27, Trinity Hall, Grimsby; Jan. 28, Library Hall, Ayr; Jan. 30, City Hall, Guelph; Jan. 31, Council Chamber, St. Thomas; Jan. 31, McDonald Hall, Listowel; Feb. 1, Town Hall, Mitchell; Feb. 2, Town Hall, Exeter; Feb. 3, McKay Hall, Goderich; Feb. 4, Town Hall, Clinton; Feb. 10, John Baptist Hall, Tecumseh; Feb. 11, Edith Cavell School, Riverside; Feb. 1, Town Hall, Essex; Feb. l, Community Hall, Thessalon; Feb. 18, Community Hall, Bruce Mines; Feb. 19, High School, Chatham; Feb. 21, High School, Sault Ste. Marie; Feb. 27, Strand Theatre, Kirkland Lake; Mar..9, Parish Hall, (Trinity) Toronto; Mar. 15, Town Hall, Deseronto; Mar. 24, Town Hall, Perth; April 9, West Point Hall, New Toronto. CHURCHES: Jan. 18, United Church, Acton; Jan. 19, United Church, Rockwood; Jan. 20, Grace United Church, Brampton; Jan. 21, United Church, Georgetown; Jan. 24, United Church, Hespeler; Jan. 26, United Church, Elora; Jan. 27, United Church, Preston; Feb. 1, United Church, Aylmer; Feb. 3, Mount Zion Church, Ridgetown; Feb. 7, Ministerial Assoc- iation, Toronto; Feb, 15, United Church, High Falls; Feb. 26, United Church, Larder Lake; Feb. 28, United Church, Matachewan; Mar. 1, United Church, Elk Lake; Mar. 2, United Church, Haileybury; March 3, United Church, Cobalt; Mar. 9 Prospect Park United Church, Toronto; Mar. 14 United Church, Napanee; Mar. 16, Queen Street United Church, Kingston; Mar. 23, United Church, Carleton Place; Apr. 4, United Church, Gerrard Street, Toronto; April 10, Bathurst Street United Church, Toronto; April 11, Riverdale United Church, Toronto; April 11, Ministerial Association, Hamilton; May 8, Centenary United Church, Hamilton. LABOUR UNIONS: Jan. 2, Labour Temple, Toronto Typographical Union; Jan. 5, Labour Lyceum, Amalgamated Clothing Workers; Jan. 9, Labour Temple Steel Workers Union; Jan. 23, Royal York Hotel, Photo-Engravers Union; Jan. 25 St. Catharines, Automobile Workers Union; Feb. 8, Cumberland Hall, Toronto, Electrical Radio Workers; Feb. 9, Hotel and Restaurant W Workers; Feb. 14, Temple Building, Artists Union; Feb. 15, Labour Lyceum, Garment Workers Union; Feb. 20, King Edward Hotel, Toronto, Newspaper Guild; Feb. 26 Steel Workers Union, Hamilton; Feb. 28 Trades & Labour Council, Hamilton; Mar. 2, Milk Drivers Union, Hamilton; Mar. 3, Amal. Clothing Workers, Hamilton; Mar. 10, Canadian Electrical Trades Union; Mar. 16, Milinery Workers Union; Mar. 18, International Brotherhood of Carpenters; Mar. 20, Textile Workers, Cornwall; Apr. 4, Canadian Seamen's Union. OTHER LABOUR ORGANIZATIONS: Jan. 2, Finnish Society, Toronto; Jan. 6, East York Workers Association; Feb. 7, Toronto Regional Council CCF; Feb. 12, Ukrainian Labour Temple, Windsor; Feb. 13, Finnish Social Club; Feb. 18, Ukrainian Labour Temple; East Sandwich, Mar. 1, Ukrainian Labour Temple Assoc., Hamilton; Mar. 5, Croatian Organization, 386 Ontario Street, Toronto; Mar. 5, Central Technical School; Mar. 7, Finnish Social Club; Mar. 8, Hungarian Organization, Hamilton; Mar. 1, Carlton CCF Club; Mar. 28, Maxim Gorky & Lithuanian Literary Association; Mar. 29, Maxim Gorky & Lithuanian Literay Assoc- iation; Mar. 29, Workmen’s Circle; Apr. 9, Ukrainian Labour Temple Association; Apr. 13, Russian Mutual Aid Society; Apr. 16, Independent Mutual Benefit Association; Apr. 20, CCF, 9, Greenwood CCF Club. At the film meetings already held, in addition to cash, promises aggregating $666.37-⅓ per month have been received. These subscriptions are given with the understanding that they are to be continuing while the need lasts or until the subscriber cancels them. The purpose is that there shall be a continuing steady inflow of receipts into the office, corresponding to the payments made over-seas. The question of obtaining Dominion Government recognition for the Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy was then discussed, Mr. MacLeod moved, seconded by David Goldstick “That action already taken be followed up and that we endeavor to secure Government recognition as soon as possible.” CARRIED. Mrs. Morton drew attention of the Conference to the fact that there were four observers present. It was moved by A. A. MacLeod, seconded by Wm. H. Temple “That the observers be welcomed to the convention.” CARRIED.