MANIFESTO Winnipeg Committee to Aid Spanish % Democracy
What is miscalled. a “civil War” has been raging in Spain it
for many months, and the end is not yet in sight. Neither
can We calculate or gauge the serious international complica-S G if ‘ tions that have arisen or may arise therefrom. Unfortun- _. . ately, there is much confusion and misunderstanding= in the
public mind as to the nature of the conflict in Spain. This confusion and misunderstanding ‘has been ,deliberately created
and fosteredthrough interested? propaganda. if The Winnipeg \
Commitetere to Aid Spanish Democracy has been formed with
two main objectives: ’
(1) [To informgthe public of the facts of thesituation in Spain, and to clarify the issues in the public mind. A ‘ p
(2) To render such aid to Spanish Democracy as is practi- cable, and particularly mezdical a.nd surgical assistance.
The conflict in :S.pain_is not a Communist Revo1u,tion;" it is not a conflict between “Left” forces and the forces standing for law. and order; it is not a fight between “religious” and .
. “irre~ligio-us’-’ sections of the Spanish people.
The Spanish Loy:alists”_ are fighting against Monarchists,
eMilitarists, Fascists, and corrupt Clericals, Who are striving.
to overthrow the democratically-elected [Republican Govern- ment by force of arms. 1
The Republican Government of Spain was elected by the
free votes of the Spanish people in February, 1936; secured i an absolute majority of 63 seats over” its opponents; G
The Government was no sooner elected than the Militarists S and Fascists, refusing to accept thedernocratic verdict of the