Jarama. From their graves, men such as the Negro comrade Watson, the Cuban Rodolfo de Armas, the Greek Karantjalis, the Irishman Mi- chael Bla%ser~—to name only one from each of the nationalities repre- sented in the Lincoln ‘Battalion —— call for the unity against Fascism of all democrats of all nations.
Demonstrating that unity, they gave their lives as many others since have done, as many more do on the battlefields today. Our dead can be fittingly honoured not by eulogies, not by names on a Roll of Honour: they can be fittingly honoured only by the acco~m«plish~«ment of the task
for which they gave their lives. R. F.
Creek and Cypriot Volunteers
Greeks and Cypriots played their part in stemming the Fascist ad- vance at Jarama. In the British and American Battalions there were approximately one hundred Greek and sixty Cypriot exiles, Who came to Spain from New York and London. Among the Greeks killed at Jarama were John Tsironis, a leader of the Greek Youth of Spartacus in New York, George Karantjalis from Crithion, S. Ambatelos from Ceffalonia and nineteen year old Philip Papas born of Greek parents in New York.
Constantin and Heraoles Augherinos, brothers, fought in the same Company of the British Battalion at Jarama. The latter, Wounded through the head, recovered to fight again at Brunete and Aragon; Constantin convale.scing from a less serious Wound caught fever and died.
Panayiotis Katsaronas, Well—knoWn among the Cypriots of New York and London, was aveteran of the Greco-Turkish war. At Jarama, When Fry’s Company Was captured by a ruse, Katsaronas fought on and died at his machine-gun. Aggelus Pommany and Nicos Perdikos fell too in the front—line in those days.
Michael Economides, veteran of the First Englislrtspeaking Comp- any, wounded at Jarama, seventeen year old Serghios Kossides, the youngest Cypriot in Spain, Spyros Fantelides, jailed three times for po- litical activity for Cyprus independence from British rule, and A. Theo- doulou and J.iBapaioannou two other young veterans are outstanding among the Cy-priots still fighting‘ in the XV Brigade, for the freedom of democracy.
R. F.