LETTERS FROM SPAIN BY JOE DALLET TO HIS WIFE 1. Perpignan Prison, France March 30, 1937 Dearest, Twenty-five of us, seventeen Americans and eight Can- adians, were picked up in a French fishing boat Saturday morning in French waters near the Spanish coast. We were just on a pleasure tour but were arrested by the non-inter- vention commission and have been in a filthy jail since. We saw our lawyer who appears quite confident that we will be out in a few days. Steve is with me and asks that you write Margaret at once and tell her. The spirit, dis- cipline, etc., of our boys are wonderful in spite of all the hardships, and we are treated splendidly by many political prisoners who were arrested crossing the frontier. The jail food is uneatable but from tomorrow on we will be having plenty of food sent in by French friends. There is nothing for you to worry about. I will write again as soon as I know more. This letter must pass through the censor so is necessarily limited. We don't get any newspapers here and hardly know what is going on outside, although the lawyer says that our arrest brought 13