G c To All ‘Friends of Democracy:
CANADIANS have donemuchf to assist the Spanish people beat.
back the B fascist attack was launched on July 18th last
year. , Hundreds of thousandsfilof our fellow-countrymen at once. ’
sensed the dire threat to Worlds democracy in the rebellion of the grandees and reactionary landlords in Spain, which has already ‘cost the lives of 1,000,000 Spanish people, massacred byfthe Spanish fas- cists and their German and Italian allies.
, Five. hundred ofeiroury sons are today fighting in the front-Zine ' trenches,‘ proud‘ members _of the Mackenzie- Pa/iineaa Battalion of the:f.{I%nternationaZ,, Brigade. Some ~e have made the supremeesacrifice, so that ”de7nocracy shall not perish, from the»”earth”,j' as the bereaved father of ddrian V anderbrugge of St. Catherines, _0nt., has said ;
HEIR precious blood. has ‘forever sealed the bonds of unity be- ,
tween the youth of our eDotniInion and the gallant young people of Spain and world’ democracyfi B
Canadian people have maintained the Bethune Blood Trans- B
fusion Unit, which has saved hundreds whose bodies were broken by
German and Italian explosives. s . . ; Food and clothing have been shipped to nourish andclothe des- titute women and children. B
MILLIONS of Canadian people are lvvilling to help if they are told the facts about the invasion of Spain by the fascist hordes. Catholics and Protestants alike recoil in horror at the story of
the bombing» of Guernica, holy of the Basque Catholics, where
800 aged folk, women and children were Wantonly destroyed by
Italian and German bombing planes.
Our French-Canadian brothers Willsee the glory of Basque and Catalonia, fighting for their culture and their national and religious freedom in the face of Franco and his foreign mercenaries.
Farmers can throb with sympathy for the “Spanish olive and fruit-growers, whose lands have» been made desolate by invading Moors. C 0 B V 0
of the mighty ,working—class front} of parties and trade unions which
formed the solid squares againstifigwhich‘ the fascist lance was broken
at Madrid.‘ % g B _ y , ,
B Writers, artists, teachers, l,pr'ofessi9onals—~WilI see in their col- leagues in Spain the devoted spirits» .who ..have stood shoulder to shoulder witlithe workers of field,;andl iactory,ini the government, on the battlefield, to drive the fron1s::*their country, to save their
‘country’s noble culture, to Cervantes. and Goya. for the people andfrom the fascists’ hands! . s
_ < Yet, miuch .more\rem»ai7iz:s to be’ done! e have but * touched the. fringe of possifility.‘ r
Industrial‘ workers’ hearts beat with pride when they know ,