under whose supervision military and political training was carried out, the July campaign analysed and its lessons learned. Early in August, it was announced that the XV Brigade was to be reorganised as an English-speaking Brigade. Pending the arrival of the Canadian Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion, then in training at the Base, the Dimitrov Battalion would remain. The Franco-Belge Battalion was incorporated in another Brigade. The Brigade Staff was to be recons- tituted in accordance with the new decision. In addition officers and men alike who had long and distinguished records of front-line ser- vice were given extended leave. The gaps thus created were filled; new men came from the Training Camps and from other units. Without a hitch, the XV Brigade was reor- ganised and was again ready when the call to action came in the third week of August. In the following pages are records of some of the men who went and of some of the men who came as a result of the reorganisation scheme. 180