The Valley of Jarama (To the tune of “Red River Valley”) This song became popular with the XV Brigade in May 1937, the fourth month of their stay in the trenches on the Jarama front. It was written by Alec McDade of the British Battalion and its humorous cynicism made it popular in all Battalions. There’s a valley in Spain called Jarama, That’s a place that we all know so well, For ’tis there that we wasted our manhood, And most of our old age as well. From this valley they tell us we’re leaving, But dont hasten to bid us adieu, For e’en though we make our departure, We’ll be back in an hour or two. (*) Oh, we’re proud of our British Battalion, (**) And the marathon record it’s made, Please do us this little favour, And take this last word to Brigade: “You will never be happy with strangers, They would not understand you as we, So remember the Jarama Valley And the old men who wait patiently.” (*) Referring to brief leave at Alcala de Henares at the beginning of May. (**) Lincoln Battalion or Dimitrov Battalion. 97