MANIFESTO For THE ANTI-FASCIST Mon1LIzA'rioN eoMMrr'rEE For Aid to the Soviet Union U Hitlerism must be destroyed! IT CAN BE DESTROYED NOW BY THE FULL COOPERATION OF CANADA, BRITAIN, THE SOVIET UNION AND THE UNITED STATES. This is the opportunity and the necessity brought about by the Red Army’s resolute defense of the Soviet Union against the invading Nazi armies. .This is the demand of the overwhelming majority of the Canadian people, who hate Hitlerism and Fascism in every form and have consistently fought it. Hitler’s armies have conquered or economically subordinated all of Europe- except the British Isles and the Soviet Union, as much by the action of cor- rupt politicians who betrayed their countries as by force of arms. Wherever they have gone, new poverty and misery have followed. Cities have been laid in ruins, whole populations torn from their homes, millions forced to work for their new German masters. But no oppression, no terror, has been able to extinguish in the oppressed peoples of Europe their fierce love of liberty and independence. “Everyone Who Engages 0ur Enemy Advances 0111' Cause”——Prime Minister King Unable to break the fine courage of the British people, Hitler faces a long‘ d war for which he needs the tremendous resources developed by the Soviet people. He also recognizes that his “new order” for Europe will never be secure as long as the Soviet Union remains to champion the liberty and independence of all peoples, Forced to accede to inclusion in the Soviet Union of the Baltic States, West Ukraine and Byelorussia, and Bessarabia, Hitler knew that the very existence of the Soviet Union challenged his plans for consolidating Europe un-der Nazi rule. 1 That is why his armies have been hurled against the Soviet Union in flagrant violation of the Soviet-German non-aggression treaty signed by the Soviet Government, after six years of struggle for collective security, to preserve its peace and neutrality. Defeat the Anti-Soviet Fifth Column 0f Hitler in Canada! There is yet another reason for the unprovoked Nazi aggression against the Soviet Union. Hitler’s action is a call to reactionaries everywhere for a crusade against the Soviet Union, against Communism. Nor is this call going unanswered. Wielding tremendous influence in Canada, in Britain and the United States are powerful groups who so place their own selfish interests above those of the people that they will seek_ by every means to assist Hitler in: attempt to conquer the Soviet Union and so enslave the Soviet and free. peoples everywhere. B