(2) We were at their mercy. assured of some freedom at first in the grounds outside these were a short-lived pleasure without is dirty + ragged we looked a sorry lot. forced to attend mass regardless of our beleifs kneel or else! was their orders. the following is a ordinary days experience the first bugle blows one hates to get up but into your rags and wait in line to use the lavatory The second bugle + we are given a ladle of Bread + water soup flavored with garlic then drill for 2 hours or more depending on the mood of the seargent’s after this we were free to delouse and walk around in a yard packed with men. dinner between 12 and 2 whenever the bread truck came beans + sardines day after day one had heartburn continuously from so much starch forced to eat out of old cans + rusty tin plates didn't enhance the flavor any inside during the afternoon to