4. The doctor supplied me with a list of MUSTS, both medical and dietary, which could not possibly be supplied from the municipal grant of seven and four francs a day. Without medical supplies and adequate diet, he was quite helpless, he admitted. ------------------- The children who have been "adopted" by Canadians and who lived formerly in the Salem Bland Home in Barcelona, are now at le Donjon(Alliers). All off them were moved safely out of Spain, although everything had to be left behind. Their present home is an empty store on the main street of the town, a rather distal place with peeling walls and no grounds for recreation. Thanks to the continued support o£ the Canadian "foster—parents", beds, blankets, clothing, shoes and school supplies have been sent to them, as well as regular shipments of badly needed milk, cocoa, cereals and vitamin products. The Office pour L'Enfance will transfer the children to the Children's Colony at Montrichard, near Blois, as soon as construction is completed. There, living in up-to-date dormitories in the midst of a pine wood, on the banks of the river Cher, where fresh vegetables, and fruit are grown on the land surrounding the city (the land has been donated by the Confederation Generale de Travailleurs) they will be able to live a happier life, both morally and physically. The children all know that it is their Canadian "foster—parents" who send them the supplies, and are anxious to write them and send drawings. Arrangements have been made with the Office pour L'Enfance to forward and translate all letters to or from "foster= parents" in Canada. ------------------- I hope that this report gives some picture, however inadequate, of what our Committee is asking money to provide. It's heartbreaking work for those who are going into every corner of France now, visiting the camps, making reports of the most crying needs, and then coming back to the Office pour L'Enfance, hoping against hope that there will be enough money to provide for those needs. Our Committee is not alone: in Egypt, in India, in Australia, in the Scandinavian countries and in Central and South America, money is being raised for refugee relief. From every corner of the world human sympathy flows to France in the form of money for the establishment of "White Corners", money for the traNsportation of families to Mexico money to take intellectuals from the squalor of the concentration camps. During the campaign on May and June our Committee hopes to raise enough money to send fifty refugees to Mexico and to establish "White Corners" in half a dozen camps in France. With your help we can do that. WHAT YOUR MONEY WILL DO SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS will BRING ONE PERSON TO A NEW LIFE MEXICO SIXTY DOLLARS will CARE FOR ONE ORPHAN FOR A YEAR FIVE DOLLARS will CARE FOR ONE ORPHAN FOR A MONTH THREE DOLLARS will PROVIDE ONE CHILD with a bed, blanket, sheets, TWO DOLLARS FIFTY will PROVIDE ONE CHILD with dress, sweater, underwear, stockings, shoes, handkerchiefs, comb, soap, tooth -brush ONE DOLLAR FIFTY will PROVIDE ONE CHILD with pencils, crayons, pen and ink, textbook, drawing book, note book and one toy. ONE DOLLAR will PROVIDE ONE CHILD with supplementary diet for one month (milk, cod liver oil, vitamin concentrate, medicines.