us en ii. she lnnhed iii the silvei nleie which borclhelnscxiptiun Al Eaxl Percy Meneigiis." Advlnidciudmiredthuzune iind the iiele, and nill innie in when the handsnmcst innii she hnl ever even came fal'\vud iind deliveied the wining desk lo n servant who enendnl hini _ mheie he such ii thing es sympalh nfsnuls and lovn nt firs! sighg the fa: - ingwas ieiilisnl in vheense enidelniile, iinil H soil peiey Monlagllr.” occupied hsi who]: ihniighis In ihe evening she inei hnn ni is hnllhni hnll; ind ihe vlcganl slmngcr ivns intmducud simply as Vlanmewc, Adelaide was sur~ prism‘, hin she hneiv ihsi English nnhle nihn rioqiionily dnnnnd ihen tillcwhnn inivelling amung smmgcrs nis com~ pally was so agreeable to Adclnllltfs fa- iheii ne no“ es herself; that he ivns in vllcd in nn envly day lo visiv Bizlmarc Hhnse, when he snnnheeiinin a frcqllcnl visilei, and soon pinposeil hiinseli in marriage to he lovely inisness,iii.d wee iieehpvnel_ "ris stral-lg:-. though! Ada iside on hen hiielnl eve, ihni he does nni eleelnie his i-ink, hin he donhiless iviehes new love him his hiniehlrnlnne, nnd nnnns lo xlxrpnsc ine, ii-heii he hnils nio us his cennnse The snlen did wedding nesseehnnd Adelaide in eeived nll vhe admiration dun to so young ninl lovely 2 hiiele. A shnn nine al'Lcr,hL-1' rnihevdiio, iind in dn'n|hL-1‘ grief her husband nio- pnstd n visiv lo Englrnld; nnd lhty nin. hnvhed iiein Nen-Yovh in ii pnehez bound in Hnvie ile cnesse ne lhcrc wrm nsne Lhrca to England They nnvelled rei n nine in ihe Sunny lnnds of!-‘mnccnnl! in pevis; Adclmda bc~ hell! nil hrr ilnsinis of the gmndmu or rank Yealisd in the goigeniis sinle oi’ ihe ndhiliiy, hiii ii ivns only iiinii hum’ hle disinnee shn ennlil hehnld eheni, end she lmxio i lclnqui hi the iiine when she sheiild be nlile hi inhe her place among the pmlldcsl nriheni ; this iniide hen hnsaen their depanurc invxanglnnil while her huxband was absent making Erqnnlions roi lheii dennniiie, she in hlged in the daydream Difixlurc grem- -rnl Alu.n.ur1.'n. hex enloilnin such rsineies, siive iinc_e having new ihe ward “Earl” herhiehfi nnnie On passing ii jc\vcl]u’: shay one dny, Adelaide‘: niieniion was nli linseed hy'isn olegnni ornament in |h_‘ window she cnlered lo eininiina 1* nmrlll’; ivns ihe cnrunel hr in Eur lish Countess. Adelaide’: heart leniptd zn her nnnnh, ilie very vhingshe she->14 want, and ii was so heeiiiliiil she ileier inineel In puiehnee i( The J2\\’L‘H9Y hnd in-nde non nnlei in be Sflnl [0 End lnnd, hiie ns Adzlaide seeinnd l:nxio|15 rev he let her hsve it at nn enhnnqui price; lwns sent home, nnd Adelaide not having snrhoionz money in hei ow pnsslsssionlc pay lei ii, nenlleeied I parcel ivhieh n snnngev heid leI\ Ih‘ day home, 35 a sum ivhieh he hi!‘ heen cnlruslcd from England fr“ hei hnshnnd ; Ihls she up:-nrd nnd rniiufl |l camalned ii lnige nhnihei sr bun noies, and gold ninl silvev piece!’ wiih Ihrsc she paid «he jeweller, -II had nisi placed ihe eninnei on her lwa‘ when Monlngiie cmcfod the mum’d Adelaide ivns vejniend at his mnnn M ivhen his affectionate grueling: iv niei, slw aslml hini ivnh an arch nut” hhiv he lihod hsv huddrnss-. ms‘ heiinirnl nsy,snid he; hin you lino! Adelaide you snn never mm it in!" lish. “l\'c\'cr r" snid Adelniile, in x bright eolnin faded on her check’ “NM inylnvefl ieinined Mnnenguc,“‘°‘ lhope mv Adclulde will never he vi‘ English ceiiniese," iind he nnesiievl 12*‘ fnndly 10 his hesnm. “Are on 11 llisn an Enilz" \VhiSpe'l'ed Ade sidei” slis hid hei head on his shnuldzfl’ « 1 nni an Eevl, Adelaide, but rm! 13 innh, ns you iinegine"—.ind he new to ho)’ ihe hisiniv or his only life./’ subjcd sn ivhieh he hnd bilhena silonz, and ihin silenee hnd ineieiiiihdtll drccpilun under ivhieh Adelnide law“: ed. Enii Party Mnnuigiie, iv.» 3' DlhL‘x‘lhfl|l ihe son or sin English _|”‘' ker, ivhn piinninl his noisy ivneiiu ivhile his snoiise niniised ihe mxs an" Kings suhjeeui, by singing hiilleds’ Amnnq hen motly ehlleeziiin of sons’: nnes Naming in hov ntquaiinlance iviih Montague hnd eveii eeeiined in make the old leiillsid or K Chevy Chase" oyilf, mi to he in nenieiilnv fnvofile 1‘