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Radio address. 27thFebruery, 1959.

Good Evening Friends, I am tonight speaking for and on behelf of the friends Of the Maekenzie~Papineau Battalion in Spain.% These are the Canadian boys who felt they had a duty to perform, and who voluntarily left eanasa to fight in Spain in resisting the further encroeching of fascist states on democratic countries. it i

Thev have been granted oermissien bv the Civic Charities Bureau J _. -. v

g%+ithose now returning from Spain} This permission is only grented

\ «t12u5° e~after it has been established that there is a need for a tag day, endhthere

gg~c$e§s. These men, some of whom have already returned, while others are now

:g_gthese who erereturning home, to fespondigeneronsly to the aepealithet is;

Edie some claim on the yublic generosity to do something tggwthosewretanehag {

tere broken in health.

-country, and even those who might now be able to take work sillfind it;,tr,_elot

ofought the meintenenceiofgaedemocretic institution§~ seemg non to be lost

now being made for assistance.

on their way back, are suffering from war wounds, disabilities, and certainly They are desperately in need of assistence.

A large number of them were unemployed before they left thisge§¥e§

difficult to procure any with'so much unemployment in this eonntry. " “They %

have no government to take responsibility for them . d see that they get the ~v v,/g /

in_Spain,the blame cannot be laid at their door. o£ Meny of then gave theiri all end~heve their graves in Spanish soil, never to return home again. i**”'t Wfinder these circumstances I feel sure the citizens of %innipegi

and thgse within hearing of my voice,-havewonly to be told of the needs oft