Q DEVELOP MA IT OBA FOR HER PEOPLE! Stop thee Sell-Out of Our Province to the U-5-A-ll "This platform of the l.abor_-Pro- gressive Party offers an altema- tive which no otherpolitical party . does. It reflects the desires‘ of the working people" of Winnipeg North as it does of the vast major- ity of the people of our province. Your support will enable me to continue the fight for these poli- cies as your spokesman in the Legislature.“ I commend this plat- W, A, K ARDASI-I form for your study and support.” l.PP Candidate for Re-Election O J y—- W. in Winnipeg North to the Manitoba Legislature . "_’,,w___\\ EROVINCIAL I=|.A'r|=omu of’ the LAB on. Moon: ss IVE PARTY V ,.> APR“: '95? -$v@- E E WINNAIPEG