When the Fascist counter-offensive had finally spent itself the XV Brigade and other units that had been engaged at Brunete were withdrawn to rest—villages near Madrid. ,

The villagers welcomed back the International Volunteers with open arms, for it was from these very villages that the Brigade had gone forth to battle a month previously. The gaps in the the ranks were noted by the people, and the Brigade casualties regretted by them as much as if it had been their own kith and kin who died —— so close had the bonds of friendship been drawn between the people and their Inter- national friends.

The people set themselves the task of making the Volunteers’ rest period as pleasant as possible. Fiestas were arranged in honour of the various Battalions. Hardly a night passed without some celebration, of- ficial or private, asa tribute of friendship and gratitude to the men who had co-me to the aid of the people of Spain.

In turn the Brigade did everything in its power to improve the lot of the people. The Battalion Medical Services were put at their disposal, free of charge; it was the first time many of the villagers had oppor- tunity to get proper medical treatment. Chidren’s ailments comprised the majority of cases treated. Dr. Magid, Canadian Medical Officer of the Lincoln—Washington Battalion, had the unique experience of offi- ciating at the delivery of twins an event which was the occasion of another fiesta.

The Volunteers had a real rest. The heat which had been a torture on the battlefield was now welcomed by sun—bathers. Billets were near a river; from whose waters only the parade ~- or the cook-house —— bu- gle could bring the reinvigorated, sunbronzed fighters.

Reorganisation had begun immediately on return to the villages. Each Battalion was reinforced from the Base, for despite “Non-Intervention”, there was always a steady trickle of Volunteers from the home coun- tries.

Among those returning from hospital was Brigade—Commander Copic,