We/Zagifitation 7urzc[ TELEPHONE , E 331 BAY STREET ,1 WAVERLEY 1455 *- TORONTO - ONTARIO December 15, l958 Dear Sirs and Brothers:y Three hundred Canadian volunteers of the Spanish war are returning to Canada within the next few weeks. i P035014 . . E TheSe—.1:flg3 n n. ft gag ..a}:}_g1 it .-.;i , comfortable homes to fi ht for their ideals and beliefs. RAQPH BATES E 3 0 6 O . Rmnuasmmmsmmn Many of them were trade unionists who realized that H. N. BRAILSFORD . ' ° ° - , ° ' _ xmNWzmmmEY the struggle in Spain was one which affected the very Dmwmrimmmwmm T vital principles of trade unionism and democracy. The mMN°F“fl“m$ER idealism of these men, their courage and self sacrifice, PROF. JEROME DAVIS t h . d . t '._ t h . t h ‘ t . R@LMM$mLmflm1DD eir rea iness o give every ing hey possess, heir PRo§N«;LB§R;‘Ef7INsTEIN very lives - won for them the admiration of thousands . EUG F R A ~ REV. FINGLAND . D mW;mmQmmmmN Many of them are wounded, a great number require §§f§§;§f§$§“ER medical attention and hospitalization, their railroad RMmImiEmDMMJ fares from Toronto to their homes and some temporary Exgfigggfifigflma financial relief. vOur Committee offers its services FRhmmJgxmMM{ to assist in their Rehabilitation. Our interests are mmmwrmmmewn’ purely humanitarian and non~partisan; PROF. J. B. S. HALDANE REV. c; H. HUESTIS y . at Y E 0 1 6 * Q cmN£mMLMmmmm The enclosed materials will give you some idea of *”Mm”fl”mM“9M*A- the work we are carrying on and the urgent needs of ROBERT MCCUTCHAN + REV. BANKS NELSON. 13.10. Uhe 39 meflo ‘ REV. R. H. PARR ’ y p §L§£ffiE;%&;f- ) ewe have received excellent support from numbers Ru&RomxKC. of trade union locals in the past 5 we urge you to im«mw»~ WILFRED ROBERTS, M.P. 4- ° . ° * °‘ ? ° ‘ __ E f’ . }mVcwYEMmWEmmmm L again assist us lfl#fihlS emergency y we need at least wmmmrfimmm al0,000 at once. he ask you further to help us in each hST