Charles Donnelly, Irish Revolutionary

A great mind was quenched when Charles Donnelly fell, a few yards from the Fascist trenches, on February 27, 1937. TWenty—siX years old, he had given up a University career in Dublin to throw himself into the working—«class struggle. He was prominent in the unity movement in Ireland, and served a jail term for strike activity.

A revolutionary poet of promise, a keen student (he left unfinished a biography of James Connolly in order to give his services to the Span- ish people) his death is a challenge to those intellectuals who are still vainly attempting flight from the realities of a World yet to b-e Won for freedom. C

With him (lied at Jarama intellectuals and Workers Whose loss is keenly felt in Ireland —— Eamon Mc Grotty, University graduate, William Henry, Belfast Socialist; Liam Tumilson, Belfast Communist; Hugh Bonar, Tirchonaill I.R.A. veteran, Jim Foley, T.T. O’Brien, Micky Blaster of New York, Bill Fox and Sam Lee, London-Irish, Michael Russell from Clare, Bert Mc Elroyfrom Louth, and many others Who realised that the struggle against Fascism in Spain is an extension of the Irish struggle against Imperialism and for freedom. In their persons, Charles Don- nelly and his comrades of the Irish Unit represented —and revealed to us the real Irela11d, and in battle they upheld the proud traditions of their fighting race.


Rodolfo de Armas, Cuban Leader

Rodolfo de Armas, the young Cuban revolutionary leader, Was killed in action on February 23. By his courage and organizing abilities he led us, the Cuban Section of the Lincoln Battalion, fro1n the miasmic atmosphere of New York City to the borders of the J aram-a River.

3A young medical student at the time that Machado effected his dictatorship over the Cuban people, he was a leading spirit in every struggle against the Fascist regime. Later a price was put on his head by Fulgencio Batista, the present dictator of Cuba, who murderously betrayed the people.

Rodolfo, and our other fallen comrades Rufo, Guijarro, Pedro Hernandez, Perez and Garcia Maldonado —— the vision of a free Cuba which was yours, is ours also. sacrificed in vain.



We shall see to it that your life was not 1