FROM XML TO RDF IN THE ORLANDO PROJECT Susan Brown John Simpson Postodoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta INKE / Text Mining & Visualization for Literary History @symulation Professor, University of Alberta & University of Guelph INKE / Text Mining & Visualization for Literary History @susanirenebrown With thanks to: Jentery Sayers, Jon Adèle Barclay, and other members of the INKE Modeling & Prototyping team. Members of Orlando , including editors Patricia Clements and Isobel Grundy. Jeffery Antoniuk and other members of the Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory project ( Introduce ourselves and our collaborators (Orlando and INKE) Paper offers a summary of technical challenges associated with the translation of content from rich XML in a boutique digital humanities project–The Orlando Project–into RDF. • Road map: • quickly summarize Orlando and the motivation for LOD/semantic web/RDF (Susan) 3 minutes • what we did, how we did it, and why we did it that way (John) 4 minutes • challenges that have arisen (Susan) 3 minutes • other work we are doing and conclusions (John) 2 minutes • • • WHAT IS LINKED OPEN DATA? Promise of: • • • • • Inference Based Search Targeted Data Access Graph Based Reasoning LOD is: Network of semantic connections across digital repositories, typically using RDF. Tim Berner’s Lee calls it “The semantic web done right” See the “obligatory” LOD map (most recent version, 2011) LOD comes with some attractive promises: • Inference based search • Targeted data access • Graph based reasoning ORLANDO: WOMEN'S WRITING IN THE BRITISH ISLES Online cultural history generated from the lives and works of over 1200 writers, and for readers with an interest in literature, women's writing, or cultural history more generally. With over eight million words of text, it is full of interpretive information on women, writing, and culture. Orlando currently features 1025 British women writers--listed twice in cases of multiple, shifting, or contested nationality--; 13,607 free-standing chronology entries; 26,278 bibliographical listings; 2,499,869 tags; 8,075,869 words (exclusive of tags) Share a little about its historical and current importance for the digital humanities WHY THE TRANSITION? For Orlando For DH •Extract new insights •Easier linking with •Overcome Silos •Public Face on Work •Contribute to emerging other resources •As a case study in conversion for others semantic web This is really more explication of the promises at the bottom of SLIDE 2 how does this advance Orlando? • hope to extract new insights that we can’t get from xml-aware search, through ability to use sparql queries/inference engines and by visualizing the RDF graph may yield insights: e.g. who of the people associated with the poetess movement are key nodes? who are the people who are the most important links between the emergent feminist movement and the major periodicals of the mid-nineteenth century? • hope that it will become easier to link Orlando with other resources, e.g. to create an interface that combines ditigized primary texts such as novels or poems with commentary from Orlando about those texts. • Provide a roadmap for others • how does this help DH generally? • overcoming siloage; public-facing work; adding humanities insights to the emergent semantic web • tackling the sorts of challenges we outline here will improve the semantic web itself by making it more attentive to the gnarly problems of data representing history, lives, culture • • • TRANSITION CHALLENGES Most “off-the-shelf “ ontologies are not meant for humanities based data Complicated relationships already embedded in both the XML and original prose XML is nested, hierarchical, and undirected while RDF is flat and directed • • Three major challenges: • most standard ontologies are not meant for humanities data • embedded relationships are really complicated • XML and RDF each capture different sorts of properties best WHAT DOES THE TRANSITION LOOK LIKE? ClaraLucasBalfourClara Lucas BalfourEarly Years21 December 1808Clara Lucas (later CB) was born in the New Forest in Hampshire.

She was an only child.

Her mother, Sarah, a woman of much intellectual power, had apparently been tricked into a marriage that was bigamous. The circumstances are obscure, but she disappeared from her daughter's life when Clara was very young, to reappear after Clara's father died. Snippet of the XML for an entry on Clara Balfour. • Point out her birthday, gender, name, something about her mother • Show format after change. • • WHAT DOES THE TRANSITION LOOK LIKE? Snippet of the XML for an entry on Clara Balfour. • Point out her birthday, gender, name, something about her mother • Show format after change. • • RDF SYNTAX wasBornOn 1808-12-21 subject predicate object Really just one slide in concept but the use of “magic move” to make the text slide requires multiple slides • Show subject, predicate, object nature • A • RDF SYNTAX wasBornOn 1808-12-21 Balfour, Clara subject predicate object Really just one slide in concept but the use of “magic move” to make the text slide requires multiple slides • Show subject, predicate, object nature • • RDF SYNTAX 1808-12-21 Balfour, Clara wasBornOn subject predicate object Really just one slide in concept but the use of “magic move” to make the text slide requires multiple slides • Show subject, predicate, object nature • • RDF SYNTAX Balfour, Clara wasBornOn 1808-12-21 subject predicate object Really just one slide in concept but the use of “magic move” to make the text slide requires multiple slides • Show subject, predicate, object nature • • MAIN TRANSLATION OPTIONS Python & Regex, XSLT, or XQUERY Could have used any, but already knew python and regular expressions and it had the most flexibility • option to use XPATH in Python remained open • Ended up with a script that reads nested regex statements • • • MAIN TRANSLATION OPTIONS XSLT Fast Prototyping Heavy Replication XSLT has limited use elsewhere Python & Regex, XSLT, or XQUERY Could have used any, but already knew python and regular expressions and it had the most flexibility • option to use XPATH in Python remained open • Ended up with a script that reads nested regex statements • • • MAIN TRANSLATION OPTIONS Python + REGEX XSLT Fast Prototyping Fast Prototyping Light Replication Heavy Replication RegEx useful elsewhere XSLT has limited use elsewhere Python & Regex, XSLT, or XQUERY Could have used any, but already knew python and regular expressions and it had the most flexibility • option to use XPATH in Python remained open • Ended up with a script that reads nested regex statements • • • MAIN TRANSLATION OPTIONS Python + REGEX XSLT XQUERY Fast Prototyping Fast Prototyping Fast Prototyping Light Replication Heavy Replication Light Replication RegEx useful elsewhere XSLT has limited use elsewhere XQUERY has limited use elsewhere Python & Regex, XSLT, or XQUERY Could have used any, but already knew python and regular expressions and it had the most flexibility • option to use XPATH in Python remained open • Ended up with a script that reads nested regex statements • • • MAIN TRANSLATION OPTIONS Python + REGEX XSLT XQUERY Fast Prototyping Fast Prototyping Fast Prototyping Light Replication Heavy Replication Light Replication RegEx useful elsewhere XSLT has limited use elsewhere XQUERY has limited use elsewhere Python & Regex, XSLT, or XQUERY Could have used any, but already knew python and regular expressions and it had the most flexibility • option to use XPATH in Python remained open • Ended up with a script that reads nested regex statements • • • MAIN TRANSLATION OPTIONS Python + REGEX XSLT XQUERY Fast Prototyping Fast Prototyping Fast Prototyping Light Replication Heavy Replication Light Replication RegEx useful elsewhere XSLT has limited use elsewhere XQUERY has limited use elsewhere Python & Regex, XSLT, or XQUERY Could have used any, but already knew python and regular expressions and it had the most flexibility • option to use XPATH in Python remained open • Ended up with a script that reads nested regex statements • • • MAIN TRANSLATION OPTIONS Python + REGEX XSLT XQUERY Fast Prototyping Fast Prototyping Fast Prototyping Light Replication Heavy Replication Light Replication RegEx useful elsewhere XSLT has limited use elsewhere XQUERY has limited use elsewhere Python & Regex, XSLT, or XQUERY Could have used any, but already knew python and regular expressions and it had the most flexibility • option to use XPATH in Python remained open • Ended up with a script that reads nested regex statements • • • RESULTS 2,499,896 XML TAGS + 100 LINES OF PYTHON + 80 LINES OF REGEX 542,710 RDF TRIPLES Relatively little work over creating the XML for a fairly significant output LIMITATIONS FALSE POSITIVES Not every name in an intimate relationship tag is someone that the subject of an entry has had an intimate relationship with. Really just one slide in concept but the use of “magic move” to make the text slide requires multiple slides • Expect that every person in an RELATIONSHIP tag would have at least a direct relationship to the subject of the entry. • Often true, but we can’t assume it to be so. • • LIMITATIONS FALSE POSITIVES Not every name in an intimate relationship tag is someone that the subject of an entry has had an intimate relationship with. Case of Geraldine Jewsbury LIMITATIONS FALSE POSITIVES Not every name in an intimate relationship tag is someone that the subject of an entry has had an intimate relationship with. However, the intense jealousy that had early affected the friendship persisted. Around 1846 GJ began her friendship with the American actress Charlotte Cushman , who was then visiting Manchester. Much to the frustration of Carlyle, Jewsbury began to write affectionate letters to Cushman, with whom she also reportedly swore eternal friendship. 70 Years later GJ was enraptured by another actress, Helena Faucit Martin , whom she had seen perform many of Shakespeare 's heroines. She sent Martin adoring letters. Case of Geraldine Jewsbury LIMITATIONS FALSE POSITIVES Not every name in an intimate relationship tag is someone that the subject of an entry has had an intimate relationship with. However, the intense jealousy that had early affected the friendship persisted. Around 1846 GJ began her friendship with the American actress Charlotte Cushman , who was then visiting Manchester. Much to the frustration of Carlyle, Jewsbury began to write affectionate letters to Cushman, with whom she also reportedly swore eternal friendship. 70 Years later GJ was enraptured by another actress, Helena Faucit Martin , whom she had seen perform many of Shakespeare 's heroines. She sent Martin adoring letters. Geraldine Jewsbury has not had an intimate relationship with Shakespeare. Case of Geraldine Jewsbury LIMITATIONS MISSED CONNECTIONS Relationships between co-located entities cannot be extracted. Really just one slide in concept but the use of “magic move” to make the text slide requires multiple slides • Would really like to be able to relate people within an entry but who the entry isn’t about. • The XML mark-up as used doesn’t allow this • • LIMITATIONS MISSED CONNECTIONS Relationships between co-located entities cannot be extracted. Case of Frances Power Cobbe LIMITATIONS MISSED CONNECTIONS Relationships between co-located entities cannot be extracted. FPC 's connections from home gave her introductions into the circles of US and British women living in Italy, including Harriet Hosmer (who became a close friend). She met Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning , and Theodosia and Thomas Adolphus Trollope , and may have lived for a time with Isa Blagden. She also met other writers with common interests, including Robert William Mackay , with whom she travelled from Rome to Naples on her way to the east. Case of Frances Power Cobbe LIMITATIONS MISSED CONNECTIONS Relationships between co-located entities cannot be extracted. FPC 's connections from home gave her introductions into the circles of US and British women living in Italy, including Harriet Hosmer (who became a close friend). She met Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning , and Theodosia and Thomas Adolphus Trollope , and may have lived for a time with Isa Blagden. She also met other writers with common interests, including Robert William Mackay , with whom she travelled from Rome to Naples on her way to the east. There is nothing in the XML mark-up that allows for the members of the circle to be directly related. Case of Frances Power Cobbe PROVENANCE Balfour, Clara • wasBornOn 1808-12-21 given the limitations; need to make fact of automated extraction clear; could be done via meta-level tags in the file that holds the RDF, but this would be hidden from queries and inference agents. To avoid this, each triple is reified by assigning it a URI and then connecting its pieces with the predicates rdf:object, rdf:predicate, and rdf:subject. PROVENANCE Balfour, Clara • • • • • • wasBornOn 1808-12-21 Really just one slide in concept but the use of “magic move” to make the text slide requires multiple slides Given the sorts of limitations that exist the tool will make errors. So we need to call out that any triples made this way came from an automatic script. To do this we reify the triple, making it a subject in its own right and making the original components of the triple objects. Can now predicate “created by” and have “auto script” as the object Of course, this makes it harder to query the triple-store PROVENANCE Balfour, Clara wasBornOn 1808-12-21 Reified Triple • • • • • • Really just one slide in concept but the use of “magic move” to make the text slide requires multiple slides Given the sorts of limitations that exist the tool will make errors. So we need to call out that any triples made this way came from an automatic script. To do this we reify the triple, making it a subject in its own right and making the original components of the triple objects. Can now predicate “created by” and have “auto script” as the object Of course, this makes it harder to query the triple-store PROVENANCE Balfour, Clara wasBornOn rdf:subject 1808-12-21 Balfour, Clara Reified Triple • • • • • • Really just one slide in concept but the use of “magic move” to make the text slide requires multiple slides Given the sorts of limitations that exist the tool will make errors. So we need to call out that any triples made this way came from an automatic script. To do this we reify the triple, making it a subject in its own right and making the original components of the triple objects. Can now predicate “created by” and have “auto script” as the object Of course, this makes it harder to query the triple-store PROVENANCE Balfour, Clara wasBornOn rdf:subject Reified Triple • • • • • • rdf:predicate 1808-12-21 Balfour, Clara wasBornOn Really just one slide in concept but the use of “magic move” to make the text slide requires multiple slides Given the sorts of limitations that exist the tool will make errors. So we need to call out that any triples made this way came from an automatic script. To do this we reify the triple, making it a subject in its own right and making the original components of the triple objects. Can now predicate “created by” and have “auto script” as the object Of course, this makes it harder to query the triple-store PROVENANCE Balfour, Clara wasBornOn rdf:subject Reified Triple rdf:predicate rdf:object • • • • • • 1808-12-21 Balfour, Clara wasBornOn 1808-12-21 Really just one slide in concept but the use of “magic move” to make the text slide requires multiple slides Given the sorts of limitations that exist the tool will make errors. So we need to call out that any triples made this way came from an automatic script. To do this we reify the triple, making it a subject in its own right and making the original components of the triple objects. Can now predicate “created by” and have “auto script” as the object Of course, this makes it harder to query the triple-store PROVENANCE Balfour, Clara wasBornOn rdf:subject Reified Triple rdf:predicate rdf:object createdBy • • • • • • 1808-12-21 Balfour, Clara wasBornOn 1808-12-21 autoScript Really just one slide in concept but the use of “magic move” to make the text slide requires multiple slides Given the sorts of limitations that exist the tool will make errors. So we need to call out that any triples made this way came from an automatic script. To do this we reify the triple, making it a subject in its own right and making the original components of the triple objects. Can now predicate “created by” and have “auto script” as the object Of course, this makes it harder to query the triple-store PARALLEL WORK XML Conversion Scripts Two NER tools are being built by Denilson Barbosa and students at the U of A: SONEX and EXEMPLAR. • These will process raw text (XML stripped) and provide RDF • A way to get past some of the XML limitations • XML to RDF tool will be used to help train it • • PARALLEL WORK XML Conversion Scripts Named Entity Recognition SONEX EXEMPLAR Two NER tools are being built by Denilson Barbosa and students at the U of A: SONEX and EXEMPLAR. • These will process raw text (XML stripped) and provide RDF • A way to get past some of the XML limitations • XML to RDF tool will be used to help train it • • PARALLEL WORK XML Conversion Scripts Named Entity Recognition SONEX EXEMPLAR Orlando RDF Two NER tools are being built by Denilson Barbosa and students at the U of A: SONEX and EXEMPLAR. • These will process raw text (XML stripped) and provide RDF • A way to get past some of the XML limitations • XML to RDF tool will be used to help train it • • PARALLEL WORK XML Conversion Scripts Named Entity Recognition SONEX EXEMPLAR Orlando RDF Two NER tools are being built by Denilson Barbosa and students at the U of A: SONEX and EXEMPLAR. • These will process raw text (XML stripped) and provide RDF • A way to get past some of the XML limitations • XML to RDF tool will be used to help train it • • PARALLEL WORK XML Conversion Scripts Named Entity Recognition SONEX EXEMPLAR Orlando RDF Two NER tools are being built by Denilson Barbosa and students at the U of A: SONEX and EXEMPLAR. • These will process raw text (XML stripped) and provide RDF • A way to get past some of the XML limitations • XML to RDF tool will be used to help train it • • CONCLUSIONS Exploring this translation process pushes at the limits of formal and informal languages. This brings out the benefits and detriments of each and shows the nuances of our natural languages. • As humanists we need to embrace this process even though it is messy as it reveals our own content in new ways and it keeps our voice in the broader community. • • • CONCLUSIONS Conversion of XML to RDF is not a straightforward process. Exploring this translation process pushes at the limits of formal and informal languages. This brings out the benefits and detriments of each and shows the nuances of our natural languages. • As humanists we need to embrace this process even though it is messy as it reveals our own content in new ways and it keeps our voice in the broader community. • • • CONCLUSIONS Conversion of XML to RDF is not a straightforward process. It is complicated by the inability of formal mark-up RDF and XML to to capture all the relevant nuances and capacities of our natural languages. Exploring this translation process pushes at the limits of formal and informal languages. This brings out the benefits and detriments of each and shows the nuances of our natural languages. • As humanists we need to embrace this process even though it is messy as it reveals our own content in new ways and it keeps our voice in the broader community. • • • CONCLUSIONS Conversion of XML to RDF is not a straightforward process. It is complicated by the inability of formal mark-up RDF and XML to to capture all the relevant nuances and capacities of our natural languages. The way forward for the humanities is to embrace such conversions so that our needs are part of the development process. Exploring this translation process pushes at the limits of formal and informal languages. This brings out the benefits and detriments of each and shows the nuances of our natural languages. • As humanists we need to embrace this process even though it is messy as it reveals our own content in new ways and it keeps our voice in the broader community. • • • FROM XML TO RDF IN THE ORLANDO PROJECT Susan Brown John Simpson Postodoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta INKE / Text Mining & Visualization for Literary History @symulation Professor, University of Alberta & University of Guelph INKE / Text Mining & Visualization for Literary History @susanirenebrown With thanks to: Jentery Sayers, Jon Adèle Barclay, and other members of the INKE Modeling & Prototyping team. Members of Orlando , including editors Patricia Clements and Isobel Grundy. Jeffery Antoniuk and other members of the Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory project ( Just thanks and questions This is just a placeholder in case we overshoot on the last slide