NEWS FROM SPAiN BURGOS An event which is largely commented on here today is the return to Spain of the 50,000 refugees from the concentration camps in France. There is still no exact information as to how this repatriation will be carried out, but it is said that the men will be received in groups of 2,500. This affair marks the counterpoint of the return to Spain of the gold deposited in the Bank of France. Dissatisfaction is shown in some Spanish circles with regard to the measure, a Phalangist leader having declared that “That will make 50,000 more men to be fed in our own concentration camps." The police have already received orders to investigate the papers of the refugees as they arrive in Spain. The government has pointed out to the police “that no agreement between France and Spain creates a special law for these people and the same measures should be taken with regard to them as are generally applied to those Spaniards who were so misled as to join the Marxist ranks. This means that 50,000 more Spanish subjects will be submitted to the regime of terror which continues to exist in Spain. Many will probably join the list of 80,000 executed and the million imprisoned by the Franco authorities with the aid of the Gestapo. In Phalangist circles the measure is also considered as a sign of weakness on the part of France although at the same time they do not welcome an event which will increase the economic difficulties of Spain. One of their members stated yesterday in a meeting: “There is only one way to deal with this situation; that is to be more conscientious in the rooting out of dangerous elements, and to get rid of those who are being sent back to us by France.” We have cabled to Premier Daladier urging him not to send these 50,000 refugees back to Spain, and promising to do all in our power to help the French Government solve this problem in a more humane way. WILL YOU CABLE OR.WRITE PREMIER DALADIER ASKING HIM NOT TO SEND THESE REFUGEES BACK TO FRANCO SPAIN AND ALMOST CERTAIN DEATH? The "Voice of Spain" (London) of August 5th reports: “In all her turbulent history Spain has never suffered as she has suffered since the Nationalist “victory.” There is hunger, terror and unemployment. One finds abundant ev- idence of this even in the controlled and censored press. ARRIBA ESPANA of Pamplona (July 23rd) published an article under the heading “Economic Blockade” which states frankly that life has never been so difficult or unpleasant. Un- certainty has caused business and industry to cease from functioning. Capital- ists are frightened. The promised reconstruction has not begun. and now — this struggle for power between Traditionalists and Falange has caused a tension that is unbearable. Something must happen in Spain. And soon. Of that there need be no doubt.