pneeded. Each of the other three centres requires as many more.
V dynamo.
obeen able to give considerable material to both Valencia and Jaen). The ’erceptional purchases, such as equipment as is needed for research work
laboratory and has maintained it for at least two months.
;"Dr. Goyanes, the present director, has been,able to establish good
order in every department of the Institute. The work goes smoothly everyone does his or her job without complaining and their is affine spirit of co~operation and willingness in the entire staff.
"I think we have good cause to feel gratified with the way things havei worked out for our service and, if it is not to presumptious, I would like to point out the analogy which exists between the course which
Spain itself has followed and our own little unit.« We had our first days
of glory when what was being done caught the imagination of those who y heard about it. As the first truly "mixed brigade” among the foreign~aid services, we became a symbol of International Cowoperation. But the ad- miration of the world and our own enthusiasm could not take the place of sound organization, coordinated direction and equipment which we lacked. We had our crisis and solved it; weathered a period of wavering loyalty and indecision and now, like the government, we have reached firm ground.y Full authority is delegated to one man, technically competent for his position. Discontented elements within the organization have been dis~ ciplined and everyonei or almost everyone, has settled down to the unwc spectacular but fundamental business of supplying blood to hospitals a where it can he used to save lives. Within the forthcoming weeks ample evidence will be forthcoming to prove the value of this course of devel~ opment both in the transfusion service and the government. é . T
"There are close to one hundred people now working on the staffs of the four centres and their salaries, a fairly large item, range from Commandante's pay to the‘minimnm of the kitchen girls in Hadrid. We have l7 expensive refrigerators on the Mdrid front alone and more are
"We have four cars here m the original "Tim" which is stil the best butts creaking a little at the joints after ten.months of the hardest driving any Ford ever endured. ‘ A A ”%
"Valenciashas three fairly serviceable touring cars and an immense Chevrolet truck which has been equipped with two refrigerators and a
"The Jaen centre has only one touring car lent by the Valencia centre.
and a Ford truck lent by the Garahineros which must he returned very soon. Barcelona gets along with one huge refrigeration truck and a touring car but duringithe recent offensive on the Zaragosa front two additional cars had to be borrowed. '
"About the Canadian contribution. It has established, equipped and main~ tained the Madrid Institute. (In*fact, equipped it so well that we have
only money required here now is for‘salaries, general maintenance and
It established the Valencia Finally it
or new methods that we may decide to try.
has purchased a large part of the equipment for Jaen.