
Senor Preteceille: "In five years of the Republic, more new schools have been builtsin Spain than during a century of the monarchy. Even though the war has been constantly intensifying, the number of schools in Loyalist Spain was doubled during the past year."

"One hundred—per~cent of the poets of Spain are Loyalists. .Almost as large a proportion of musicians, artists, authors and scientists are on the Loyalists side."

Senora Means: "The women of Spain cannot be beaten. They have too nmch.to lose to allow Fascism to prevail. Franco cannot win."

J O Y B Y 0.3 D E R

In San Sebastian, a town recently seized by the rebels, a number of citizens have been fined for not properly carrying out the orders of the Fascist Town Council regarding "manifestations of the joy and enthusiasm.aroused in all

by the exploits of our Glorious army on the Teruol front." As showing the reason for such joy and enthusiams, two Catalans in the same town were fined for conversing in their own dialect in a local dining room.


Right Rev. Peter Bryce, h;D., hbderator of the United Church of Canada, regretting his inability to be present at the Ehssey Hall meeting addressed by the Spanish Delegates owing to a previous engagement writes:

"Let me wish you.continued succes in the gracious work you are doing for the war or hans and refugee children of Stain." "3 +


in Toronto there seems to be no lessening of interest in the Committee's film, "The heart of Spain." Since the last regular bulletin was issued it has been shown to: U

Croatian~Servian'Uomens' Section Meeting at Central Technical School, Finnish Social Club,

weeting at Holy Trinity Parish Hall, .fieeting at Trospect Park United Church, Canadian Electrical Trade Unions, lfiillinery Workers‘ Union,

Carpenters’ and Joiners’ Union,

Carlton C.C.F. Club,

and a number of further showings have been arranged for the innediate future. Mbst of these meetings were addressed by either Rev. Ben. Spence or Mr. J. Conner.

From.March lath to 25th, nr. Harry Farmer showed the film.at the following points in Eastern Ontario:

Napanee, Town Hall, Deseronto, White hall, Kingston, United Church,

Cornwall, Labor Temple, Ganonoque, Oddfellows' Hall, Carleton Place,'United Church, Perth, Town Hall,

Smith's Falls, Orange Hall.

Those who wish to keep thoroughly familiar with developments in Spain would be well to read the April 1938 issue of “The Fight", published in New York by the American League for Peace and Democracy. The issue is plentifully

.illustrated with photographic reproductions, and contains a series of illuminat~

ing articles on the various aspects of the war.