lsaturday - Z P.M; — Opening of Conference T e Report on activities in Canada a. The Central‘office h. Provincial & Local Committees 0. Literature d. Publicity e. Public Meetings f. The Film
6 P.M; ~ Luncheon.
Addresses by Fajor Frederick I Lord &e
Jflrs. Lord
Sunday - 10 Adm“ - Opening of Qonference l Discussion of organizational plans Discussion of future work ” a. Over~seas h. In Canada
Sunday - 2 P.N; ~ Opening of 0onference e ‘ V General business n p _Election of Officers &ExecutiveiCommittee"e
On.motion it was approved.
In accordance with the agenda the Chairman then called for thel appointment ofpa Credentials Committee.
It was meted by Mr. Tim.Buck seconded by Mr.John~Boychuk that the the Credentials Committee. This was unanimously carried.
‘The Chairman then appointed Mrs, Elisabethimdrton, Mme. Walkerand Norman Freed as the members of the Credentials Committee. b The appointment was confinmedebythe Conference.‘ The appointment of aBusiness Committee mas then called for. It was
moved by Mr. A. A. Macheod seconded by my. Sam Cari that the Committee con-
.sist of seven members. CAREIED.
It was moved by Sat Carr seconded by n..A; MacLeodthat the appoint- ment of the Business Committee be left to a 1ater_session.j CARRIED. The nepomt on over-seas work was then presented by the Chairman, who
vacated the chair. The Vice—President Mr. Tim Buck presided during the