MEET ME ON THE BARRICADES are confused, W Mr. Ambassador. How is it possible for old veteran revolutionists like Kamenev and the others, I mean . . .” “The production of pig iron in the Soviet Union increased 12.7% last year,” the Ambassador replied. “What I don’t understand,” Simpson said, “is why they should have plotted to destroy the government they helped create.” “Parachute jumping is part of the training of every Soviet boy and girl.” “I can understand that they might be in political opposition to Stalin, but . . .” “Pregnant mothers in the Soviet Union receive two months’ vacation with pay. . .” “But how would 3,500 train wrecks help them to power?” “You doubt the honesty of the genial Stalin, leader of the world proletariat?” “No, no, no,” Simpson said. ‘‘I impute no un- worthy motives. Workers’ fatherland and all that sort of thing, please don’t misunderstand me. I am a sympathizer in good standing. But why were they shot so soon after the trials? Why not wait? Quality of mercy and so on.” “The shootings were carried out with neatness and dispatch as an expression of the government’s will 92