24 Mr. D. Goldstick was asked to bring in a report as to how to further enlist the support of the Jewish people, and what type of Committee should he created. George Watson, President Toronto Trades & Labour Council, J. W. Buckley, Secretary, Harold Potter, Secretary of The League Against War and Fascism and J.M. Conner were appointed a Committee to bring in a report as to how to further enlist the support of the Trades Unionists. Mrs. Morton was asked to report on the progress of the Women’s Committee. These reports have been presented and are under consideration. REORGANIZATION The matter of reorganization has been discussed at very many meetings of the Executive Committee. On July 7th the Chairman sub- mitted a memo on National reorganization which the Committee ordered to be sent out to the various organizations for consideration. It was as follows,- “COMMITTEE OF 100 “That there be formed a National Committee of 100, consisting of 6 representatives from each of the Western Provinces, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, 12 from the Province of Quebec and the balance from the Province of Ontario, or at large. This Committee to elect National officers. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE “That from this Committee an Executive Committee Be appointed. These together with officers and the Chairman of each Province will constitute the National Executive. ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE “That from the Executive an Administrative Committee of 5 or 7 be appointed to have immediate direction of the carrying out of the policies determined upon by the Executive and the National Committee. PROVINCIAL ORGANIZATION “That, as far as possible, in each Province, an organization be formed to be exclusively concerned with the projects in Spain operated by the Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy. At present these are:- The Hispano Canadiense Instituto de Transfusion de Sangre, Food for Spain and Child Welfare. “That they be not related to political activities in Canada or militaristic organizations or agencies in Spain.