MY EXPERIENCES IN A FASCIST CONCENTRATION CAMP. I was captured on April 1st 1938 marched back to an old wine Factory slept in a shed the flood covered with manure, early next morning we were taken to a town by trucks, fed bread + wine registered taken along with many other prisoners to Saragosa. held there for 3 to 4 Days. Then we were shipped to a Concentration camp known as San Pedro de CardeƱa a building over 200 years old, + in bad shape. we arrived there early in the morning, were lined up searched, then taken to sleeping quarters some slept in a basement room, stone floor, cold, damp, + guards would not allow them to go to the lavatory. I along with others was taken to a huge barn, some slept or rather tried to sleep, beside oxen, pigs, chickens + other animals, I was in the loft with others, in the morning we were lined up