ORDER FORM ISSUED BY THE NATIONAL OFFICE OF COMM. TO AID SPANISH DEMOCRACY. TO ALL COMMITTEES, ORGANIZATIONS, AND INDIVIDUALS NAME____________________ ADDRESS ________________ Friends: We ask that you consider immediately your requirements for the Christmas campaign. Order them at once, so that We may be more economical in filling our national requirements. a) No. of Xmas seal packages —25 in package........... b) No. of Milk Tickets and Meal Tickets as per sample enclosed. Two envelopes are Sufficient to feed one child for Xmas week. c) No.of leaflets announcing the campaign and carrying the appeal of the Duchess of Atholl......................... d) No. of news bulletins to be sent periodically through the campaign................ e) No. of Christmas cards ........................... Note: When sending in your cheque to the national office for campaign material sent you, please specify our invoice number.