centrating their efforts on Hill 694 in the direction of Arganda and Mo- rata de Tajufia. , ,

During these two days, the struggle reached its greatest intensity. On the 14th, the fighting was savage, so great was: the furious deter- mination of the troops of both sides. With a force of 25,000 men, the Fascists tried to continue their advance. Their blows were directed against the Hills 620 and 700. The enemy attack was supported by more than 30 tanks and an artillery barrage on a front only six kilome- tres long. This attack was so fierce that the Government forces were obliged to retreat two or three kilometres towards the east. The rebels succeeded in penetrating in the direction of Morata. The Republicans repulsed them in a counter-attack supported by tanks. The Fascist offensive was broken. Towards the end of the day, the fronts become stationary.

And so, at the moment when the fighting was at its fiercest, the exhausted enemy forces had, perforce, to pause in their attack.

The correspondent of the English newspaper, the Daily Telegraph, wrote in an article (February 15);: O

“The losses suffered in today’s battles have been very heavy. Long lines of mules slowly come and go from the first aid posts. Never, during the whole of the civil war have I seen so many wotunded in a single day!...” 1

According to information in the foreign presrs, the Moroccan units lost 40% to 50% of their total «strength. During these balttles the rebels lost about 20 aeroplanes. On February 15, the rebels reorganised their broken and demoralised units. Their right flank was exposed. Once again on February 15, they attempted to advance on Morata Their aim was to secure their right flank, by advanicing as far as the River J«arama. All their attacks were driven back.

On the morning of February 17, the initiative showed a tendency to pass to the Republicans, who launched a counter-attack on the north side of the river Manzanares. After fierce fighting, the Government forces occupied Marafiosa, towards the end of the day. This manoeuvre brought strong pressure to bear against the left flank and rear of the enemy.

Simultaneously, the Republicans began to attack the enemy’s right flank on the Pingarron and Butarron hills, where the Fascists had also succeeded in adxvancing.

During the period from the 18th to the 20th of February, the Re- publicans held their positions to the north of Mar<afio~sa, improving at the same time their positions to the east of the river Jarama by a whole series of decisive attacks.

