OBJECTS OF COMMITTEE The Winnipeg Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy was formed with two main objectives. (1) To inform the public of the facts of the situation in Spain, and to clarify the issues in the public mind. (2) To render such aid to Spanish Democracy. as is practicable, and particularly medical and surgical assistance. Our Committee has been functioning about eighteen months. Much has been accomplished, but not enough, and there is still much to be done. We feel that the work of our Committee has not received the public support it deserves, more particularly from our Anglo-Saxon people. Our im- mediate task is to assist in filling up the American-Canadian Relief Ship which sails for Spain the beginning of October with a life-saving cargo of food, clothes and medical sup- plies to assist in the relief of the needy victims of cruel and wanton aggression in that unhappy land. We hope and expect that the public will not fail us in this truly Christian and purely humanitarian project to aid Spain's sorely stricken civilian population. We earnestly appeal to all who are opposed to Fascism and believe in and value Human Rights and Social Justice to co-operate with us in the work of our Committee on behalf of Spanish Democracy. Winnipeg Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy LEWIS ST. GEORGE STUBBS, ARTHUR L. COOPER, Chairman. Secretary. Mrs. ELIZABETH SCOTT, STEPHEN SAWULA, Vice-Chairman. Treasurer. Address: 717 McINTYRE BLOCK, WINNIPEG Telephone 94 700. Winnipeg Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy, 717 McIntyre Block, Winnipeg, Manitoba. I hereby approve of the objects of your Committee and apply for membership therein. NAME_________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________