success of the Republican army was due to the support which it received from the civilian population. This was additional proof as to which side the civilian popu- lation of Spain is on. What the Republican army had taken in nine days, Franco's troops had not been able to regain in two months of fighting. After twenty days in Paris, seven of the boys sailed for home. A feeling of anxiety prevailed among us, not only to see our friends again, but to relay to the people of Canada the truth and nothing but the truth about Spain. We remembered the anti-fascist fighters from over fifty-four countries. We remembered the Spanish soldiers, self-sacrificing and courageous, fight- ing for the independence of their country and at the same time for the cause of all humanity. We remem- bered the Canadian boys fighting in the Mackenzie- Papineau Battalion, holding high the banner of de- mocracy planted by Mackenzie and Papineau in Canada over one hundred years ago. These memories increased our eagerness to meet the widest sections of the Canadian people, to tell them the story of this heroic fight in Spain and to rally them to the support of the Spanish people to cut short the sufferings, the horrors and the ruin that German and Italian fascism is inflicting upon the peace-loving peo- ple of Spain. We bring with us, the unshakable confidence of vic- tory of the Spanish people over the invading hordes of Hitler and Mussolini. Premier Dr. Negrin in one of his speeches to the Spanish nation said "Somos mas que ellos," ("We are more numerous than they are.") Reaction and fascism can and will be defeated. Unitedly we will achieve it. By our numbers in Can- ada and throughout the world, in one unity, there is the strength, the guarantee that democracy shall not perish from the earth and that peace shall conquer. * * * * * 14