ing the brunt of.the.battle. ~-There is the odd exception to this like*Shapcott.an_d Tom..Co.chrane. These men are respect» ively 57 and .58 yearszoftagel .Butwhe,n pressed they admit they found it somewhat ;dif.fiC.ultnto~~keep up the pace oflthe youth. And_ in just such a fight as this youth is the great sec’ ret of victoryand the invincible fortification for recovery. Healthy bodies battered and. cut and wounded. ,. Arms gone. Legs severed and gone..; Bones blown out of.their_plaoes,_ wounds like deep . holes slashed out of men’s: sh~ould€$r§s. Faces all distraught with pain and suffering, . distorted with broken bones. Here is where youth is a?fortification.. where- young-men become; grey. headed, -in a .feW ‘hours, but they keep their dauntless .spirit,,an.d they have still a clear,an,d unwaveringrsense of what they are doing. a I - I I : To me these men are unique in the worlds history. They are-political volunteers‘. =As- President Azana declared on July 18th last; “Nothing 5told. lthem to fight on our side except their own political consciouisne‘ss;"7 These antiwfascist youth, in the Peoples ‘Armyand lying wounded in the hospitals of :Sp‘ain»to’ day are in my opinion the glorylof the youthiof vthenworld. Some have given the full’ measure of-devotions, their; names shall never perish from the ‘memory of freedomdoving people. One has a _peculia_r feeling enteringa zhospitalpwardtto visit men who have been wounded in". a war like this. .,I felt thatit was rather a privilege that was being extended me, than any service that I was doing for them. They were distinguished men everyone of them. I scan’ ned their faces closely to see if I could detect any sign of an appeal against what they were called upon to bear. I talked with them carefully to see if they were confused or weakening in their own ideas about the issue or about the outcome of the war against fascism. I found the firmest confirmation of cause. Fascism must be destroyed, man after man expressed himself in agreement with this objective. The burning desire __45__.