An Appeal to YOU

“The final victory of a people in arms 25 near. But the cow- ardly fascist uprising has sown the seeds of mourning through town and countryside. Thousands of women have been widow- ed, thousands of innocent children orphaned. In every town and village through which the fascists have passed, hunger and misery, mourning and innumerable orphans, give evidence of the wounds this passage has left in the body of the Spanish people.

“When the battles are ended, a free, progressive Spain will have to rebuild the fine cities destroyed by fascism, and thou- sands of women and children will bear on their faces the im- print of anguish and horror which the crimes and sadistic bestial tortures committed by the fury of reaction, have left on them.

“Men and women who love liberty.’

Anti-fascists of all countries.’

“The people of Spain defend their liberties with the encour- agement for your generous solidarity. Daily we receive enthu- siastic messa es from workers, honest men and women of the entire world, of encouragement for the defenders of Democ- racy in Spain.

“From every corner of the world, huge sums are sent for aid to the victims and the families of those who have fallen in de- fense of the rights of the people of Spain.

“The International Labor Defense of Spain asks you to re- double your efforts on behalf of the heroic fighters of our coun- try. Tighten the ranks, as in October, 1934, in solidarity with a suffering people struggling for freedom!”

—-National Executive Committee International Labor Defense of Spain.