soldiers not already in contact with the Red Army, entire areas probably will have billboards telling them where to go for repatriation. The authorities also hope to make broadcasts in English, Russian and Polish directing former prisoners to collection points."

His WWII buddies’ comments: "All were surprised by his fate, claiming his war record had been good." "He was a good pal and I want to go to his funeral." A non—com described him "as a bad egg with a good service record and strong Communist leanings." They "were unanimous in paying tribute t0 his personal courage." "He was a first class fighting man".

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Danek and his lookout-to—be were both laid off from a Toronto radio factory in Summer 1951. Danek started to hold up drugstores (at least one) gnd, in Nov., induced a WWII veteran to join with him (separated from his wife and 3 small children, apparently because of money problems). This holdup (their 4th) evidently was sparked by drinking a case of beer. The lookout was unarmed, and fled when trouble started. He turned himself in, a few days later.

The constable was dressed in overalls; "he just looked like a robber himself", his wife commented. Danek knocked the constableis gun out of the constable's hand. The constable grappled for Danek's gun, turned it, it went off (once), and Danek was shot through the stomach, and died. Five (perhaps 4) bullets pierced the constable's body (left shoulder, left and right thighs) - - not all from Danek*s gun. In disarming the constable, the constable was hit twice with bullets from his own gun. He was seriously, but not fatally, wounded.

The constable (together with others in other drugstores) was hidden in

the partitionedeoff rear. He emerged gun in hand, when the druggist was

Sent by Danek into the rear. He closed the distance between the two, perhaps without any firing by either for whatever reason. There are all sorts of versions. Per one account, Danek tried to escape but bumped into the door which had closed behind the lookout when latter fled. A woman viewer from an apartment on the street said there was a fight before she heard shots.

The deadly game of hand-to—hand combat ensued. Danek lies buried in Green Lawn Memorial Gardens; Garden P (Last Supper) - Lot B - Section 641; R.R.

No. 1, Hwy No. 3, Oldcastle, Ontario, NOR ILo, outskirts of Windsor.
