_—.¢———o C. ‘.7. Foster :.;rs. LI. Tyczinski K. Pachkowski 1.1. Choptiany P. Loeffler If.rs. R. Tessler H. Polubic John Iiclleil Fran}: Hallama. W. A. Clark W. F. Coleman Helen Tcoeler Ilrs. Krupp lire. J. lIc—‘3loy lirs. Riddell Hrs. Hood lire. A. C. Gulm C. Kills J. Johnson R. Slocumb Lire. Shane Ilrs. P.Donalche1::o J. Litterick,Ii.L.A.. Yrs. Gregora Lee Hip Jack Kev ilr. Wong G. Koczar C. Young Frank Good. Jessie Koffman Jean Chareton Joe Fisher Dorothy Cox J. J. Bandlon Iirs. BE. Bilecki R. Carttznall Ifrs. Ijandack Ifrs. P. Chester 1.12-. Patchrer Ziiss 1.2. Pearloan 2:153 H. Dalman Eire". J. Kapman Fire. 1?. Leible lire. H. Leible R. Silverman Iirs. Prokop X. G. Boutlier L1:-s. Yanovsky f’rs. Dorfinan Llrs. T. Gutkin Ilrs, 1.2. Pullan L. Gutkin Sire. Z3. Johnston S, Sawula A. Iiiller ..rs. -.. lliller 235 Llclntosh Ave. 87'? Alfred Ave. 455 Bannermn Ave. 996 Aberdeen Ave. 9 mlmood Apts. 28 Atholl Apts. 14-1% Iieade St. 1512 Elgin Ave. 1.196 Selkifi: Ave. 161 Belmont Ave. W. liild. 1174 Lr:hbu2'n St. 253 BX1l‘;1‘OtT.3 Ave. 153 St. Annes Rd. Ste. 20, 260 '.L‘oronto St. V 175 Imperial Ave. 405 of Commerce 357 Tait Ave. 687 Lipton St. S 405 Chambers of Comerce 902 Uenitoba Ave. 239 irtawa Ave. 350 Aberdeen Ave. 326 1.373. 209 Pacific Ave. 2% King St. 209 Pacific Ave. 476 Liontrose Ave. 119 SOOtt Ste 63% Barber 31:. 422 Stella Ave. 411 Liaokray Ave. 266 Dufferin Ave. 707 Liclntyre Block 193 Kitson St. IIor\':ood. 693 College Ave. 402 Home St. 705 Anderson Ave. 4-, 1047 Selkirk Ave. 596 Henry Ave. 502 Alfred Ave. 1211 Wolseley Ave. 586 College Ave. 16 Green B100}: 10 Green Block 568 Dufferin Ave. 10, 257 Sinclair St. 547 Rathgar St. College Ave. 90 Charles St. 331 Liacicray Ave. 11 Vogel Apts. 331 Ijackray Ave. 711 Ellice Ave. 400 Parr St. 440 liountain Ave. St. Vital Study Group :2 —— Beverage ‘Dispensers Union #206 Polish Peoples‘ A.ss'n frl Local 37, Wpg. Photo Engravers Union Jewish Anti-Fascist Ixaagus Polish Peoples’ Ans 'n #2 Railroad Branches, Communist Party Czechoslovakian B':nevC=lcnt Ass'n £eilci=r:s:J::ero' Union #126 / O0 00 Friends of Lfac-Pap I3:1tt:>1ion in Spain Friends of liac-«Pap Battalion in Spain 9p‘ C Wpg. Klee. Sub-station & Hydro Plant workers 00 O0 0 O O O 9 Communist Party of Iianit oba Jewish ‘demons’ Committee to Aid Spain Wc:n:.ns' Section E. Iiild. U.L.F.T.A. Comnunist Party of :_'2nit oba. Czechoslovakian Progressive Circle Chinese Patriotic League 00 CO I}. Kilcbnan U.L.F.T.A. Literary Branch, League for Peace & Democ. Lithuanian Literary Society United Garment Workers Union #35 Friends Of Zlac-Pap Battalion Czochoslovaldan workers Ass'n 0811. League for Peace 5: Democracy C03. Of~R.E¢ A0 Fa Of 0. E. Unit #9, c.c.r. ‘Romans’ Section U.L.F.T.A. O0 O0 Hungarian Club A. F. of O. E. K?) . Voliner Friends Society Voliner Iandsmanschaft . O0 ' O0 Peopless Gazette C’PaC' B. an. of F. E. (unofficial) Mutter Farein, Liberty Temple Voliner Friends Society Jewish Anti~Fascist League Current Events Branch, league for Peace etc Jewish Anti—fascist League Housewives Union Ward 2 Wpg Committee to Aid Spanish Denocracyi Visitor