26 “5. that the Canadian League for Peace and Democracy be responsible for conducting the Spanish campaign among its affiliated organi- nations. “6. That local Committees be set up only where it has been found possible to secure the,co+operation of groups not now affiliated to the League for Peace and Democracy. “7. That the Canadian League for Peace and Democracy assume respons- ibility for the development for wider political educational work in connection with Spain. “8. That the Committee move its offices to 929 Bay Street in order to reduce overhead expenses and staff, and in order that it may have the advantage of closer collaboration with the Canadian League for Peace and Democracy. Memorandum “C” which has not considered was as follows: Memo re relations of the “Canadian League for Peace and Democracy” and “The Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy” referred to respectively as the “League” and the “Committee.” First get clearly the primarly distinctive functions each organi- zation. The League is a permanent organization and has definite and vitally important work to do in the creating, arousing and mobilizing opinion in Canada for Peace and Democracy and to bring that opinion to bear upon Governmental action and relating it to like opinion in other countries. The Committee is a temporary organization to meet an emergency. There are certain humanitarian projects which it is establishing and maintain- ing in Spain. It seeks to raise funds for these specific purposes. Of course Spain is where war prevails today and where there is a direct attack upon democracy, therefore it comes directly into the picture and is inseparable from the League’s appeal. On the other hand the people in Canada who sense the dangers of war and fascism are those who see more clearly what is involved in the Spanish struggle and sympathize most keenly with those who suffer in Spain. There is therefore perfect harmony in the motivation and objectives of both organizations, nor need there be any conflict in regard to the activities of each. The League and Committee side by side in perfect comradeship can each a busy itself promoting its objectives. Frankly it is when we come to finances that difficulty arises.