WARD Two , Labor Election vol. 1, No. 1 , October 12th, 1954 TKARDASHDEMANDS JOB ACTION TO SAVE WINNIPE:G,’S FUTURE Winnipeg Loses Gas Utility “A $12,000,000 Give-='Away” ”A $12 million give-away.” is how W. G. Gilbey, candidate for alderman in Word Two, describes _the deal on the former Winnipeg lectric gas utility. A Winnipeg‘ Tribune editorial of last month stated: ‘ The wrong-headed group.- lywh/a.--fought against Plan C must feel especjallygsick when they turn to the financial pages and see what is hap- »pening to the gas utility stock‘. . Winnipeg could pony llstoleki"anId**‘*barre for $l million. Shares in the company” are now selling at i234. This means that the market places a value of $l2,l25,000 on the com- pany thatiWinnipeg could have bought two years ago for $1 million——the company ‘ one talkative alderman called a "pile 'of junk.” Some junk. ,What the Tribune didn't tell its readers _ was that one. Alderman, Hand only one-l-'-——Jacob Penner of the Labor Election Committee-— movedna motion. calling for the _ city to buy the gas utility at $1- _,mill.io,n' in order to distributeegas to consumers at cost. A But Alderman Penner’s motion didn't even get a seconder. The ‘CCF aldermen remained silent. The CEC aldermen sneered- What a disgrace! Just think——— CCF silence and CEC opposition aost'Winnipeg $11’ million. A shameful mishandling of your interests! The._Labar Election Committee says that it iststill not too late -to change the situation. Council can apply tothe Legislature for? a charter to set up its own gas .. Gilbey A w. G.n_EY distributing company. This must be done—.-—NOW!-—-so that ‘when the natural ‘gas pipeiine is open next year Winnipeg users will be able to get gas at cost and not be profit gauged. ’ The building of’ such dis- tributing company will also mean E jobs for hundredsof Winnipeggers g now facing a stark winter of un- employment. ’.’The voters can change the present disgraceful situation by manges in Council,” stated Gil- bey. ”Defeat those whose actions cost Winnipeg $1], million. Elect Aldermen who you know by the record will fight for public gas distribution at cost.” ”: .un¢i:Ie as’ "‘iayl$fFs. ariieeeese ‘including People’_s VVurkers nf Ward Two Vote’- . for new industries here instead of Labour In the last few weeks fear of mass unemployment has grown in Winnipeg. 200 were-layed off at the Vulcan lron Works. The CNR pattern and moulders’ shop is closing down in’ Transcana. The Co-‘op’ Farmglmplement plant fail—_ f - ed to re-open as scheduled._ L:ay- . -offs in other industries are on the -increase. The situation is defin- itely, serious. A Last week, W. A. Kardash, Labor it Election Gommittee candi- date -for Mayor, stated that it was clear that the fight for jobs is the key’ issue in this civic“bat,t_le. E ”~lt is shameful that nothing is $0 or bye 1;... mas-s unemployment '.t‘hreaEte,ns,” he said. ’’How‘ can they remain silent when the very livelihood of thousands is invloved?” . . ' Speaking out against a return to the Hungry Thirties, he pointed out that the crisis need not take place. ‘ T ' ”Jobs can be maintained if we start trading with all c'ountries who are willing to trade with us——- China. Jobs can be created if we undertake aprogram of building hospitals, schools, bridges, low-rental homes by using funds now being “used t'o put gunsinto the hands of the same Nazis who murdered Cana- dian boys." Kardash called for the conven- , .ing of a jobs conference to in- clude representatives of labor, industry, the provincial and fed-_, eral governments.’ Such a confer- ence would consider: a) A program of needed public works, and b) how tolsee to it that the rich resources of Manitoba are used being plundered by Americanvcorn poratians. A w. A. KARDASHA ”The time has come,” he stated, ”when the ‘working people of Win- nipeg must throw, out the big business clique in council arid put [in new people with new -policies.. The _ number one issue is jobs-— and that deserves your number one vote!” ‘ Condemned Schools‘ Menace Student Health , Six years after the “Reavis "re- port stated that l4 city schools should be condemned, five ‘out of -"the six -of them in Word Two are still in use. 1 Calling foriirnmediate action to replace the Somerset, Wellington, Pinkham, John M. King and ls- bister sch'ools,, Roland Penner. Labor ~Election Committee Ward ‘2 School Board candidate, stated that these schools were a menace to‘ students’ health. ’ ”Not ‘only are they a menace‘ to their health/fie he added, ”but pupils in these ancient schools are ‘ being unfairly handicapped. with inadequate facilities. Citizens of Ward ’.l'>wo have a ri‘ght”to demand action" on this question.’-’* On October 27th, a vote for Roland Penner is a vote for action to provide decent modern schools for"our children. i A